Hi Joe,

I think you are on the right track with your manual trigger idea. It should 
be pretty straight-forward to put together a simple script/program that 
checks every minute or 2 to see:

1. Is there a new version of BUILD-A, -B or -C?
2. Is there currently an instance of BUILD-A, -B or -C running?

Then, if the answer to the first question is "yes" and the second question 
is "no", kick off the PACKAGE Pipeline.

Another option might be to design the PACKAGE process in such a way that it 
checks to see whether there is an instance of any of the BUILD Pipelines 
running and, if so, it fails the PACKAGE Pipeline. But depending on how 
often that situation comes up it might cause frustration in the user base 
if there are a lot of "failures" that aren't really failures.

Hope this helps somewhat.


On Thursday, 16 December 2021 at 11:34:59 UTC-5 Joe H wrote:

> My application has several libraries each with their own git repository. 
> The repos provide material to individual pipelines that build the 
> libraries. 
> The build pipelines then feed to a revision packager pipeline that bundles 
> the libraries into a revision package which then feeds into a deployment 
> pipeline.
>     REPO-A -> BUILD-A
>     REPO-B -> BUILD-B
>     REPO-C -> BUILD-C
> Let's say BUILD-A and BUILD-B take 20 seconds to complete, but BUILD-C 
> pipeline takes a few minutes to complete.
> What I'm seeing is that when commits come in on multiple repos somewhat 
> simultaneously, this results in multiple runs of the PACKAGE -> DEPLOY 
> pipelines.  I'm trying to set up a gate that waits for all running builds 
> to complete before continuing with PACKAGE.
> I understand why that's the default behavior if you view each path through 
> the graph as a unique run. The documentation also indicates that Fan-In 
> only works if the SCM material for the entry pipelines is the exact same. 
> So it seems I'm observing the documented behavior.
> Is there a way to achieve what I'm trying to do where I can Fan-In from 
> different SCM material?  I'm thinking like a way to override the "Fan-In 
> Key" where it could use an arbitrary key to drive the Fan-In behavior 
> instead of the repo URL.
> If not, is there an obvious way I'm not seeing to break up my graph such 
> that I can wait for all BUILD-* to complete with some kind of quiet period 
> gate before continuing with PACKAGE -> DEPLOY? For example, once any of the 
> BUILD-* pipelines have run, wait 45 seconds and if nothing else starts, 
> then run PACKAGE -> DEPLOY.
> Maybe the PACKAGE pipeline has to be manual trigger and ignores the 
> BUILD-* pipelines for scheduling, then the "gate" is really just a script 
> or something that uses the API to determine whether or not it's time to run?
> Looking for any ideas I'm not seeing...
> Thanks

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