Re: [go-cd] Agents going offline randomly on 22.3

2023-04-07 Thread Chad Wilson
e of these have > quite a few resources to eyeball for comparisons. > > > > I’ll share back as soon as I find either more questions or a solution > someone else might find useful. > > > > Thanks! > > > > *From:* *On Behalf Of *Chad >

RE: [go-cd] Agents going offline randomly on 22.3

2023-04-07 Thread chantryc
AM To: Subject: Re: [go-cd] Agents going offline randomly on 22.3 Was the setup working at some point and then something changed? It sounds to me like you have some problem with * agents' identities getting confused with one another (shared GUIDs

Re: [go-cd] Agents going offline randomly on 22.3

2023-04-04 Thread Chad Wilson
Was the setup working at some point and then something changed? It sounds to me like you have some problem with - agents' identities getting confused with one another (shared GUIDs), or - accidentally sharing working folders between two agent processes (double-starting an agent perhap

[go-cd] Agents going offline randomly on 22.3

2023-04-04 Thread Funkycybermonk
Hello! I'm running 22.3 and I keep having agents go offline. For example, on a particular server (mirror setup to other environments) I have several agents running side-by-side on an admin server and then an agent on various individual servers. At the moment for this particular example, I have 1