Greetings. I have updated my blog <> for your 

From my old school files: “Scholarly communication, electronic content and 
‘open access’”

I graduated from the School of Information Resources and Library Science 
(SIRLS), University of Arizona, Tucson, in December 2004 to facilitate a 
mid-career shift from church/pastoral ministry back into the academic world as 
a librarian.

The decision to enter academic librarianship at this moment in time has proven 
to be among the best I have ever made. I have been able to witness and (more 
importantly) directly participate in dramatic changes impacting the nature and 
role of the library in the digital age. It has been personally very exciting 
and extremely energizing.

Witnessing and participating in the rapidly changing scholarly communication 
landscape has been one aspect of academic librarianship of particular interest 
to me. I latched onto this early in my career preparation. Clearly, I was 
bringing the scholarly disposition with me into this shift. But there were new 
things I was to learn about this communication process of which I was 
previously unaware, including the assumptions of the existing system, and the 
disruptive forces—like the Internet as a platform for dissemination, and the 
fledgling Open Access Movement—that would help to drive that change.

I was rooting-around in my old school files the other day and found a research 
proposal I had submitted to Professor William Welburn for the semester paper 
assignment in IRLS 504: Foundations of Library and Information Science, dated 
March 4, 2004. The proposal is entitled “Scholarly communication, electronic 
content and ‘open access.’” For archival purposes, as well as a reminder to 
myself of how I started down this path of interest in open access, I thought I 
would transcribe the proposal here...

Your comments are welcome.

Gary F. Daught
Omega Alpha Open Access
gfdaught @
GOAL mailing list

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