2012 was yet another awesome year for open access growth. To  
illustrate just how far we've come: a BASE search of over 2,400  
repositories now searches over 40 million documents. The DOAJ article  
search is inching up to the 1 million article mark, demonstrating that  
the growth in gold OA is not just in OA journals, but more  
importantly, in articles published in open access journals.

The numbers:

The numbers

Directory of Open Access Journals
8,519 journals
2012 growth: 1,147 journals (3 journals / day)
# articles searchable at article level: 955,720
2012 growth in searchable articles: 234,449 (642 articles / day)

Directory of Open Access Books
1,259 academic peer-reviewed books from 35 publishers
new in 2012

Electronic Journals Library
37,805 journals that can be read free of charge
2012 growth: 5,421 journals (15 journals / day)

Highwire Press Free Online Articles
2,151,420 free articles
2012 growth: 41,640 articles (114 articles / day)

2,253 repositories
2012 growth: 89 repositories (7 repositories / month)

Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR)
3,340 repositories
  2012 growth: 730 repositories (2 repositories / day)

Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
40,506,905 documents
2012 growth: 6,908,293 documents (18,926 documents / day)

2,600,000 articles (from PMC site)
2012 growth: 300,000 articles (from PMC site - update schedule not  
known so not sure about accuracy)
1,199 journals deposit all articles in PMC
2012 growth:  220 journals (.6 journals / day

809,849 e-prints
2012 growth: 83,886 e-prints (230 e-prints / day)

14,242 documents as of Dec. 11 - cannot find # of documents on new  
site (E-LIS migrated to a new e-prints server in the past few days -  
looks great!)

Social Sciences Research Network
372,772 full-text papers
2012 growth: 65,715 full-text papers (180 / day)

Open Access Mandate Policies (from Registry of Open Access Material  
Archiving Policies)
353 open access policies (total)
2012 growth rate: 44 policies  (4 policies / month)

Internet Archive
1,110,878 movies
110,448 concerts
1,474,756 recordings
3,781,142 texts
(new in 2012)

Details and further commentary:

Thank you to everyone who is making this happen, and all the best to  
you & your OA endeavours in 2013.

Dr. Heather Morrison
GOAL mailing list

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