Le jeudi 08 août 2019 à 15:16 +0000, Heather Morrison a écrit :
> If we do not acknowledge and address this, we are in effect
> unwittingly collaborating with a repressive, censoring government.
this is exactly how I feel it.

For me, we = the international academic community.
> DOAJ is not at fault. SpringerNature faces similar dilemmas to other
> commercial companies working in non-democratic countries. This is a
> difficult problem, but an important one and we can start by
> acknowledging that the problem exists.

indeed. How can we best do it ? (especially the members of this 
goal@eprints.org mailing list to start with)

Best regards,

Nicolas Pettiaux, phd - nico...@pettiaux.be - portable 0496 24 55 01
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