Re: Evolving Publisher Copyright Policies On Self-Archiving

2004-11-05 Thread Rick Anderson
e, especially a strategy or practice that you, Stevan, are specifically encouraging others in this forum to take, then this forum is in fact an excellent place for you to answer those challenges. Rick Anderson Dir. of Resource Acquisition University of Nevada, Reno Libraries (775) 784-6500 x273

Re: Self-Archiving vs. Self-Publishing FAQ

2004-11-12 Thread Rick Anderson
is publication either way. In both cases, the article is being distributed to the public (i.e., published) on an OA basis. In other words, to mandate OA self-archiving is to mandate OA publishing -- by the author, in cooperation with whoever manages the archive. Rick Anderson Dir. of Resource Acquis

Re: Self-Archiving vs. Self-Publishing FAQ)

2004-11-13 Thread Rick Anderson
's all I'll say in this forum on that second topic. Stevan can feel free to make a public rejoinder, but if I feel the need to respond thereafter I'll do so privately. --- Rick Anderson Dir. of Resource Acquisition Univ. of Nevada, Reno Libraries (775) 784-6500 x273

Re: Self-Archiving vs. Self-Publishing FAQ

2004-11-13 Thread Rick Anderson
on that is far different from the artificially narrow one created by the OA establishment. If using the Berlin Declaration definition helps you do your work, fine. But don't yell at (or condescend to) the rest of the world when it insists on using the real-world definition. --- Rick Anderson Dir. of Resource Acquisition Univ. of Nevada, Reno Libraries

Re: How to compare research impact of toll- vs. open-access research

2004-12-11 Thread Rick Anderson
on to this problem would be to strip authors of the right to choose how they distribute their articles. As we all know, there are ongoing efforts in that direction -- but they're meeting with mixed success so far. --- Rick Anderson Dir. of Resource Acquisition Univ. of Nevada, Reno Libraries (775) 784-6500 x273

Re: How to compare research impact of toll- vs. open-access research

2004-12-11 Thread Rick Anderson
on and implementation of OA, it seems to me that points like this are worth bringing up here. Rick Anderson Dir. of Resource Acquisition University of Nevada, Reno Libraries (775) 784-6500 x273

Re: The Green and Gold Roads to Open Access

2004-12-12 Thread Rick Anderson
or new OA journals (especially those that depend on funding from authors) to survive in the short term, they'll need to figure out a way quickly to increase their ability to confer prestige on those they publish. How can they do that -- and how can we help them do that? This seems to me to be a

Re: The Green and Gold Roads to Open Access

2004-12-14 Thread Rick Anderson
Serials Review that David Goodman mentioned in his recent posting; my article in that issue treats the three areas that I believe are going to pose problems (at least in the short term) for new OA journals in an author-competitive marketplace. Rick Anderson Dir. of Resource Acquisition University of Nevada, Reno Libraries (775) 784-6500 x273

Re: The Green and Gold Roads to Open Access

2004-12-15 Thread Rick Anderson
elopment of Gold journals? If Green is good enough for authors, readers and publishers, then what's the point of fostering Gold? Rick Anderson Dir. of Resource Acquisition University of Nevada, Reno Libraries (775) 784-6500 x273

Re: Blackwell Publishing & Online Open

2005-03-07 Thread Rick Anderson
inition is unnecessarily restrictive. It seems to me that if what we want to do is make content available to everyone, there's really no need to take away the author's traditional rights under copyright law. The latter stance seems to me almost like a conflation of "open

Re: Blackwell Publishing & Online Open

2005-03-08 Thread Rick Anderson
what have traditionally been the copyright holder's exclusive rights. Rick Anderson Dir. of Resource Acquisition University of Nevada, Reno Libraries (775) 784-6500 x273

Green OA as a threat to traditional publishing (RE: Prophylactic yada yada)

2005-07-10 Thread Rick Anderson
l publishers in business will be the value they add by making articles easy to find. --- Rick Anderson Dir. of Resource Acquisition Univ. of Nevada, Reno Libraries (775) 784-6500 x273

[GOAL] Re: [sparc-oaforum] Re: Disruption vs. Protection

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Anderson
— my institution is not giving us money so that we can spend it on content that's available for free. --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Scholarly Resources & Collections Marriott Library, University of Utah Desk: (801) 587-9989 Cell: (801) 721-1687 From: , Fre

[GOAL] Re: [sparc-oaforum] Re: Disruption vs. Protection

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Anderson
hin a reasonably brief period. --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Scholarly Resources & Collections Marriott Library, University of Utah Desk: (801) 587-9989 Cell: (801) 721-1687 ___ GOAL mailing list http://mailma

[GOAL] Re: [sparc-oaforum] Re: Disruption vs. Protection

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Anderson
so many journals out there that our faculty want, and that we're not subscribing to because we're out of money. --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Scholarly Resources & Collections Marriott Library, University of Utah Desk: (801) 587-9989 Cell: (801) 721-1687 _

[GOAL] Re: Censorship? Seriously? (Re: Re: [sparc-oaforum] Re: Disruption vs. Protection)

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Anderson
o the conversation?) --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Scholarly Resources & Collections Marriott Library, University of Utah Desk: (801) 587-9989 Cell: (801) 721-1687 ___ GOAL mailing list

[GOAL] In fairness (Re: Censorship? Seriously? (Re: Re: [sparc-oaforum] Re: Disruption vs. Protection)

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Anderson
ould have read more carefully before responding as if it did. My apologies. --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Scholarly Resources & Collections Marriott Library, University of Utah Desk: (801) 587-9989 Cell: (801) 721-1687 And please don't reply that "it

[GOAL] Censorship? Seriously? (Re: Re: [sparc-oaforum] Re: Disruption vs. Protection)

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Anderson
ave a stake in this conversation. I trust the moderators of these listservs will resist Stevan's call to silence those stakeholders who fail to support unreservedly and uncriticially the one model that he favors. A policy of prior restraint doesn't strike me as terribly consistent wi

[GOAL] Re: Cancelling because contents are Green OA vs. because publisher allows Green OA

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Anderson
l decisions (notably journal cancellations), it would seem that this discussion fits nicely through the filter — even if the discussion doesn't tend toward the particular conclusion one prefers. --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Scholarly Resources & Collections Marriott Lib

[GOAL] Re: Cancelling because contents are Green OA vs. because publisher allows Green OA

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Anderson
on't discuss these issues in a rational, reasonably objective way for guidance on how to conduct their own scholarly communication? --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Scholarly Resources & Collections Marriott Library, University of Utah Desk: (801) 587-9989 Cell: (801) 721-1687 rick.ande

[GOAL] Re: Cancelling because contents are Green OA vs. because publisher allows Green OA

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Anderson
es. Publishers are not stupid — they don't think that just because one librarian says "I'm more likely to cancel a Green-without-embargoes journal than a toll-access one, all other things being equal" that every library is going to do the same thing. --- Rick Anderson Assoc. D

[GOAL] Re: [sparc-oaforum] Re: Cancelling because contents are Green OA vs. because publisher allows Green OA

2013-09-16 Thread Rick Anderson
course we could save even more by simply not buying anything our patrons need.) --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Scholarly Resources & Collections Marriott Library, University of Utah Desk: (801) 587-9989 Cell: (801) 721-1687 _

[GOAL] Re: [sparc-oaforum] Re: Cancelling because contents are Green OA vs. because publisher allows Green OA -- A practical evaluation of library workflow

2013-09-17 Thread Rick Anderson
current field of Green journals for likely cancellation candidates is a more daunting task — one that I'm scheduled to discuss with my CD staff today. But I'm pretty confident that we'll be able to come up with an approach that will return good value for cost. And if we can'

[GOAL] Re: [sparc-oaforum] Abrogatio Praecox: Librarian Cancellation Plans Are Grotesquely Premature and Profoundly Counterproductive

2013-09-17 Thread Rick Anderson
very healthy or sustainable system in the long term. --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Scholarly Resources & Collections Marriott Library, University of Utah Desk: (801) 587-9989 Cell: (801) 721-1687 ___ GOAL mailing list GO

[GOAL] Unanimity (Re: [SCHOLCOMM] Monographs)

2013-11-25 Thread Rick Anderson
g, incidentally, that tends to make a good researcher.) --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Scholarly Resources & Collections Marriott Library, University of Utah Desk: (801) 587-9989 Cell: (801) 721-1687 ___ GOAL mailing list GO

[GOAL] Re: [SCHOLCOMM] Unanimity (Re: Monographs)

2013-11-25 Thread Rick Anderson
e caution is by insisting that such mandates include powerful escape clauses, thus turning them into "mandates" rather than mandates. --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Scholarly Resources & Collections Marriott Library, University of Utah Desk: (801) 587-9989

[GOAL] Re: Question (Re: Caltech announces Open Access policy)

2013-12-13 Thread Rick Anderson
—they are policies that require no deposit. So my question remains: why the insistence on calling such policies "mandates"? If they make no action mandatory, then why not simply call them policies? (ROARAP is a less snappy acronym, I'll grant you.) --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Schol

Re: [GOAL] [SCHOLCOMM] BLOG: Is CC-BY really a problem or are we boxing shadows?

2016-03-03 Thread Rick Anderson
, unfortunately, than the implications of CC BY itself. Speaking personally, I think CC BY is wonderful and I’m very glad that it’s available as an option to authors. I’m much less comfortable with making it mandatory. --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean for Collections & Scholarly Communica

Re: [GOAL] [sparc-oaforum] Journal-flipping report open for public comments

2016-03-15 Thread Rick Anderson
Thanks very much for this, Peter. I’m probably being dense, but I can’t see a way to download the report. On the possibility that I’m not the only one failing to see it, could you (or someone else more quick-witted/observant than I) tell us how that can be done? --- Rick Anderson Assoc. Dean