The Wellcome Trust's Robert Kiley, a long-time open access advocate, raised a 
common rationale for a default CC-BY license in a comment on Richard Poynder's 
interview of Mike Rossner.  These are my comments. 

A scholarly CC-BY is not compatible with the Wikipedia conception of 
attribution, which involves anonymity. Permitting open re-use in Wikipedia with 
attribution (assuming the problem of Wikipedia anonymity is overcome) means 
that any Wikipedia editor can change the words of scholar, a situation that 
seems highly likely to result in scholars being incorrectly cited due to the 
edits of others. I am a fan of Wikipedia, have contributed as an editor in the 
past and may do so in the future, and am in favour of increasing the scholarly 
content in Wikipedia. However, I argue that what needs to happen is that 
Wikipedia policy and practices need to be more flexible to accommodate the 
needs of scholars and their works, rather than all scholars being required to 
give away all of their work for blanket commercial rights to any third party to 
suit the preferences of the current Wikipedia team. 

Full post:


Heather Morrison, PhD
The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics

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