What is the better online journal format: periodical issues or open annual volumes? http://wp.me/p20y83-rZ The other day I received an email from Geoffrey Moore, the new editor of the journal Doxology: A Journal of Worship. Last year, this long-running journal (founded in 1984 by The Order of Saint Luke) converted from print to online, and from subscription-based access to open access. I'm always very interested in reporting on stories like this because it speaks encouragingly to increased awareness and momentum in favor of open access, even among established journals. I am preparing a profile of Doxology for an upcoming post. In this post I thought it would be of interest to share my response to a question posed by Geoffrey. He was wondering about the best format for Doxology as it continues to move forward as an online open access journal. They could stay with the "traditional" mode of publishing discrete issues on a periodic basis (quarterly, bi-annually, annual, etc.), with each issue containing roughly the same amount of editorial, article, and review content (the print Doxology was published as an annual); or they could adopt an open annual volume format, with no fixed published quantity and new content continually added throughout the year as it becomes available (and passes the review process). …
Gary F. Daught Omega Alpha | Open Access Advocate for open access academic publishing in religion and theology http://oaopenaccess.wordpress.com oa.openaccess @ gmail.com | @OAopenaccess _______________________________________________ GOAL mailing list GOAL@eprints.org http://mailman.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/goal