On Nov 11, 2015, at 3:58 PM, Lucie Burgess <lucie.burg...@bodleian.ox.ac.uk>

Dear Stevan, all
> I would be very interested to hear more about good (particularly
> open-source if available) in-house university CRIS systems, from anyone who
> is willing to share this information. We are working on a review of our
> systems for open access, research data management and REF reporting/ funder
> compliance at the moment and this would be valuable input.
> Kind regards
> Lucie
> Lucie Burgess
> Associate Director for Digital Libraries
> Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
> Clarendon Building, Broad Street, Oxford
> Senior Research Fellow, Hertford College
> Tel: +44 (0)1865 277104
> +44 (0)7725 842619
> Twitter @LucieCBurgess
> LinkedIn LucieCBurgess

> Get ready for the REF – Act on Acceptance
> <http://openaccess.ox.ac.uk/home-2/act-on-acceptance/>

*Reply from Keith Jeffery of EOS (Enabling Open Scholarship
*From: *Keith Jeffery <keith.jeff...@keithgjefferyconsultants.co.uk>
*Date: *November 13, 2015 at 6:14:22 AM GMT-5
*Subject: **RE: Liege-type policy at Kings College London*

Stevan, Lucie –

The euroCRIS president responded to my email to the board.  To cut a long
story short CINECA (Italy) have a system named IRIS
supporting 60 universities at the moment.  They plan to make it available
openly in CERIF mode first half 2016.  I’ll keep track of it!

Keith G Jeffery Consultants
Prof Keith G Jeffery
E: keith.jeff...@keithgjefferyconsultants.co.uk
T: +44 7768 446088
S: keithgjeffery
Past President ERCIM www.ercim.eu   (keith.jeff...@ercim.eu)
Past President euroCRIS www.eurocris.org
Past Vice President VLDB www.vldb.org
Fellow (CITP, CEng) BCS www.bcs.org
Co-chair RDA MIG https://rd-alliance.org/internal-groups/metadata-ig.html
Co-chair RDA MSDWG
Co-chair RDA DICIG
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