
MEP Manuel MEDINA ORTEGA (Spain) is apparently the main author of a
report for the European Parliament.

An unofficial version (including amendments adopted in Committee) is
available at :

It starts by (1) recalling « that the adoption of Directive 2001/29/EC
was one of the priority objectives laid down by the Lisbon European
Council of 23 and 24 March 2000 in the context of the process leading
to a competitive, dynamic, knowledge-based economy; »

then further down it (24) « Wishes the scientific community and
researchers to enter into voluntary licence-issuing schemes with
publishers in order to improve access to works for purposes of
teaching and research; however, takes particular note of the value of
learned journals, which play a key role in the peer review process of
validating the results of academic research, and the financial
viability of which is dependent on paid subscriptions; »

I must say I have a hard time interpreting this sentence.  As far as I
know, the scientific community is doing its best to improve access.
The problems lie with the publishers and journals.

But given the ideological leanings of this lawyer, and the rest of the
document, I fear the worst.

This is relevent to this community.
I will not comment the rest ... just so that I have a calm evening.

I hope to have soon a pointer to an official version.

Bernard Lang

PS This reminds me of the French Rapport Patino to the ministry of
culture, about digital books, which ignores open access altogether, as
well as a few other things that Patino does not like.  Mr Patino
states that authors should give more rights to the publishers who
"should keep a central role in the determination of prices."

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