Re: Grant for founding new open-access journals

2002-12-19 Thread Eberhard R. Hilf
in Physics we know of 55 Physics refereed ejournals alone. see In total, across all fields, the number of free full text ejournals should be far beyond 200, "the Electronic Jo

Re: Grant for founding new open-access journals

2002-12-18 Thread
[This is a request from Helene Bosc to provide figures on the current number of open-access *peer-reviewed* journals. She says that her own estimate accords with mine: about 200 open-access journals out of a total of 20,000 toll-access peer-reviewed journals in all. If you have more

Grant for founding new open-access journals

2002-12-17 Thread Stevan Harnad The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation have just given $9 million to the Public Library of Science "they will announce the creation of two peer-reviewed online journals on biology