
Dr Paul Uhlir, National Academy of Sciences, requested me to post this
preliminary agenda of the International Workshop on Open Access to
Scientific Data to be held later this month in Beijing. Look at the people
and institutions involved! That shows how much importance China gives to
open access. China is forging ahead!

Subbiah Arunachalam
MS Swaminathan Institute, Chennai
Trustee, Electronic Publishing Trust for Development

                                                                Draft 2 June

International Workshop on Strategies for
 Preservation of and Open Access to Scientific Data

Beijing Golden Resources Hotel, Beijing China, 22-24 June 2004,

Jointly Organized by:

Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST)

CODATA Task Group on the Preservation and Archiving of S&T Data
in Developing Countries

Chinese National Committee for CODATA
U.S. National Committee for CODATA

Other Co-organizers in China
*       Department of International Cooperation, Chinese Association of
Science and Technology of China (CAST)
*       Department of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Science
and Technology (CAS)
*       Department of International Cooperation, National Natural Science
Foundation of China (NSFC)

*       Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST)
*       Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)
*       Chinese National Natural Science Foundation(NSFC)
*       United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
*       International Data Committee for Science and Technology (CODATA)
*       US National Institutes of Health (NIH)
*       US National Science Foundation (NSF)
*       Open Society Institute

Academician Xu Guanhua: President of Ministry of Science and Technology of

*       Academician Chen Yiyu: Chair of the China National Committee for
CODATA, President of National Natural Science Foundation of China
*       Roberta Balstad Miller: Chair of the US National Committee for
CODATA, Director of Center for International Earth Science Information
Network (CIESIN), Columbia University, USA
*       Academician Cheng Jinpei: Vice President of Ministry of Science and
Technology of China
*       Liu Yanhua: Vice President of Ministry of Science and Technology of
*       Academician Hu Qiheng: Vice President of Chinese Association of
Science and Technology (CAST)
*       Academician  Qin Dahe: President of Metreology Bureau of China
*       Academician Liu Depei: President of Chinese Academy of Medicine,
Vice President of Chinese Academy of Engineering
*       Shuichi Iwata:  President of CODATA, Professor of Tokyo University,
*       Academician Sun Honglie: Vice President of CODATA, Chinese Academy
of Sciences
*       Academician Sun Shu: Director of Department of Earth Sciences,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of Expert Committee of China
Scientific Data Sharing Program, Chinese Academy of Sciences
*       Zhang Xian'en: Director of Department of Basic Research, Ministry of
Science and Technology of China
*       Steve Rossouw:  Member, CODATA Executive Committee

Steering Committee

*       Zhang Xian'en: Director of Department of Basic Research, Ministry of
Science and Technology of China, Director of Implementation Committee of
China Scientific Data Sharing Program
*       William Anderson: Co-Chair, CODATA Task Group on the Preservation
and Archiving of S&T Data in Developing Countries

Associate Directors
*       Teng Mianzhen: Associate Director of Department of Basic Research,
Ministry of Science and Technology of China
*       Shen Zongqi: Associate Director of Department of Infrastructure and
Grant, Ministry of Science and Technology of China

*       Guo Huadong: Associate Secretary General of Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
*       Chen Jun, Director of Information Center for Fundamental Geography,
President of China Association for Geographical Information Systems,
Academician of Euro-Asia Academy of Sciences
*       Huang Dingcheng: Professor of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Associate
Director of Expert Committee of China Scientific Data Sharing Program
*       Yan Baoping: Professor and Director of Internet Center of Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Vice Chair of China National Committee for CODATA
*       Liu Chuang: Professor and Director, Global Change Information and
Research Center, Institute of Geography and Natural Resources, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Co-Chair of  CODATA Task Group on the Preservation
and Archiving of S&T Data in Developing Countries
*       Peter Arzberger: Executive Director of the National Partnership for
Advanced Computational Infrastructure at the University of California, San
*       Robert Chen: Assistant Director of Center for International Earth
Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University; Member, CODATA
Executive Committee
*       Heather Joseph: President and Chief Operating Officer of BioOne

Local Committee

Secretary General
*       Zhou Wenneng: Director of Division of Basic Research, Department of
Basic Research, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Director of
Administrative Office for China Scientific Data Sharing Program

*       Guo Xiaolin: Department of Planning, Ministry of Science and
Technology of China
*       Yu Haiying: Department of Infrastructure and Grant, Ministry of
Science and Technology of China
*       Feng Chujian: Department of Legislation, Ministry of Science and
Technology of China
*       Wang Cunheng: Department of High Technology and Industry, Ministry
of Science and Technology of China
*       Xu Zengtai: Department of Agriculture and Social Development,
Ministry of Science and Technology of China
*       Cai Jianing: Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of
Science and Technology of China
*       Fu Xiaofeng: Department of Information Management, Administrative
Center for China's Agenda 21
*       Liu Chuang: Global Change Information and Research Center, Institute
of Geography and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
*       Yin Ling: The General Hospital of P. L. A.
*       Chen Wenjun: Department of Basic Research, Ministry of Science and
Technology of China
*       Xiao Yun: China National Committee for CODATA
*       Pei Zhiyong, Department of Information Management, Administrative
Center for China's Agenda 21
*       Guan Haibing: Shanghai Jiaotong University
*       Wang Zhengxing: Global Change Information and Research Center,
Institute of Geography and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
*       Wang Hui: Global Change Information and Research Center, Institute
of Geography and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
*       Li Fang: Global Change Information and Research Center, Institute of
Geography and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Tuesday, 22 June

8:00            Registration

Session 1:  Opening Remarks

*       Academician SUN Honglie, Chinese Academy of Sciences
*       Prof. Shuichi IWATA, President of CODATA and Professor at University
of Tokyo, Japan

*       Dr. FU Xiaofeng, Director of Information Division, the
Administrative Center for China's Agenda 21
*       Dr. Steve ROSSOUW, Member, CODATA Executive Committee

9:00            Welcoming remarks by workshop chair and co-chairs
                        *       CHENG Jinpei, Vice President, Ministry of
Science and Technology of China
                        *       Dr. Roberta BALSTAD MILLER, Director, Center
for International Earth Science Information Network, Columbia University,
Chair of the U.S. National Committee for CODATA
                        *       Prof. CHEN Yiyu, President, National Natural
Science Foundation of China, Chair of the Chinese National Committee for

9:20            Objectives of workshop
                        *       Dr. William ANDERSON, Principal, Praxis101,
and Co-Chair, CODATA Archiving Task Group
        -     Scope of discussion
        -     Issues/questions to be discussed
                        -       Structure and approach of the meeting

9:30    Keynote address-Goals of the National Facilities and Information
Infrastructure for Science and Technology and Scientific Data Sharing
                        *       Academician XU Guanhua, President, Ministry
of Science and Technology of China

10:00           Break and pictures

Session 2: International Perspectives

*       Academician CHENG Jinpei: Vice President of Ministry of Science and
Technology of China
*       Dr. Roberta BALSTAD MILLER, Director, Center for International Earth
Science Information Network, Columbia University, Chair of the U.S.
National Committee for CODATA

*       WANG Zhengxing, Global Change Information and Research Center,
Institute of Geography and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
*       Ms. Pippa SMART, Head of Publications, Publishing Initiatives and
Publishing Training, International Network for the Availability of
Scientific Information (INASP)

10:30           International perspectives on preservation of and open
                to public scientific information
                        *       United Nations Scientific, Educational, and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Dr. Yasuyuki AOSHIMA, Director, UNESCO
Beijing Office
                        *       Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD), Dr. Peter SCHRVDER, Ministry of Education, Culture,
and Science, The Netherlands
                        *       International Council for Science (ICSU),
Mr. Carthage SMITH, Deputy Executive Director
                        *       Inter-Academy Panel (IAP), Prof. Michael
CLEGG, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Sciences, U.S.

                        General discussion

12:00           LUNCH

Session 3:  Overview of Thematic Areas in China

*       Academician Sun Shu, Chair, Department of Earth Science, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, and Chair of Expert Committee on Open Access to
Scientific Data Program of China
*       Prof. Michael CLEGG, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of
Sciences, U.S.

*       Li Jiming
*       Prof. John WILLINSKY, University of British Columbia, Canada

13:30           China Open Access to Scientific Data Program
                        *       Zhang Xian'en, Director of Department of
Basic Research, Ministry of Science and Technology of China

13:55           Earth sciences, environmental and natural resources
                        *       Academician QIN Dahe, President of the
Meteorology Bureau of China

14:20           Life sciences and public health
                        *       Academician LIU Depei, President, Chinese
Academy of Medicine, and Vice President, Chinese Academy of Engineering

14:45           Information, journals and digital libraries
                        *       Academician HU Qiheng, Vice President,
Chinese Association of Science and Technology of China

15:05           BREAK

Session 4:  Policy and Management

*       LIU Yanhua, Vice President of Ministry of Science and Technology of
*       Prof. Ted BERGSTROM, University of California at Santa Barbara, U.S.

*       PEI Zhiyong, Department of Information Management, Administrative
Center for China's Agenda 21
*       Mr. Carthage SMITH, Deputy Director, ICSU

Policy and Legal Issues

15:20           Mr. Peter WEISS, U.S. National Weather Service

15:45           A Framework of the Legislation System for Open Access to
Scientific Data,
                LIN Xin, MOST

Institutional and Management Issues

16:10           Dr. Raymond McCORD, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Local and Regional Issues

16:35           Local and Regional Involvement in the National
Information Infrastructure:                     The Virginia Access
                        Menas KAFATOS, Professor, George Mason University

17:00           Digital Fujian
                WANG Qinmin: Vice Chairman of Fujian Political Consultative,
                Director of Department of Science and Technology, Fujian

17:25           Preparation for Day 2 and announcements

17:30           Adjourn

17:45           Reception

18:30           Dinner

Wednesday, 23 June

Session 5:  Breakout Panel Discussions on Crossdisciplinary Issues

8:30            (individual presentations and panel discussions)

        5-1:  Policy and Legal Issues

*       Professor MA Huaide, Professor and Director of Law School,
University of Administration and Law of China
*       Dr. Peter SCHRVDER, Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science, The

*       PEI Zhiyong, Department of Information Management, Administrative
Center for China's Agenda 21
*       Paul UHLIR, JD, U.S. National Academies

                - Peter WEISS, J.D., U.S. National Weather Service
                - LIN Xin, J.D., Director, Regulation and Copyright
Department, MOST (?)
        - Prof. Jerome REICHMAN, Duke Law School, U.S.
        - Prof. CHEN Chuanfu, Wuhan University
                        - Prof. FAN Chunliang, Institute of Policy and
Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences (?)
                        - Prof. John WILLINSKY, University of British
Columbia, Canada

        5-2:  Institutional and Economic Issues

*       Dr. Fu Xiaofeng, Administrative Center for China's Agenda 21
*       Dr. Dora Ann CANHOS, CRIA, Campinas, Brazil

*       XU Feng
*       Ms. Henda van der BERG, the National Research Foundation, South

                        -       Dr. ZHANG Xian'en, Director, Department of
Basic Research, Ministry of Science and Technology (?)
                        -       Dr. Belinda SETO, Deputy Director, National
Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, National Institutes of
Health, U.S.
                        -       Prof. LIU Chuang, IGSNRR, Chinese Academy of
                        -       Dr. Roberta BALSTAD MILLER, Director, Center
for International Earth Science Information Network, Columbia University,
                        -       Dr. FU Xiaofeng, Director of Information
Division, the Administrative Center for China's Agenda 21 (?)
                        -       Prof. Ted BERGSTROM, University of
California at Santa Barbara, U.S.

                5-3:  Management and Technical Issues

*       Teng Mianzhen: Associate Director of Department of Basic Research,
Ministry of Science and Technology of China
*       Dr. Lulama MAKHUBELA, Research & Development Directorate, National
Development Agency, South Africa

*       XIAO Yun, China National Committee for CODATA
*       Dr. William ANDERSON, Praxis101, U.S.

                        -       Dr. Raymond McCORD, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, U.S.
                        -       Prof. YAN Baoping, Vice Chair, Chinese
National CODATA Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences (?)
                        -       Dr. Anne LINN, Director, Committee on
Geophysical and Environmental Data, the National Academies, U.S.
                        -       Dr. FENG Zukang, Protein Data Bank, U.S.
                        -       Prof. YIN Ling, Chinese Academy of
Traditional Medicine (?)
                        -       Dr. Helen DOYLE, Director of Development and
Strategic Alliances, Public Library of Science

12:00           LUNCH

13:30           Demonstrations of Open Access Initiatives

Session 6:  Crossdisciplinary Issue Reports

*       Dr. Zhang Xian'en: Director of Department of Basic Research,
Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Director of Implementation
Committee of  China Scientific Data Sharing Program
*       Dr. Khululumur SODOV, Information and Computer Center, Mongolia

14:30   Rapporteur Crossdisciplinary Summaries
                        *       Legal and policy factors
                        *       Institutional and economic factors
                        *       Management and technical factors

                        General Discussion

15:30           Break

Session 7:  Future Opportunities

*       Dr. GUO Huadong: Associate Secretary General of Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
*       Dr. William ANDERSON, Praxis101, U.S.

*       CHEN Wenjun: Department of Basic Research, Ministry of Science and
Technology of China
*       Ms. Julie ESANU, U.S. National Academies

15:50           Academician CHEN Yiyu, Chair of China National Committee for

16:15           Future role of CODATA
                        *       Prof. Shuichi IWATA, University of Tokyo,
and President, CODATA

16:35           Future role of CODATA Task Group on the Preservation and
Archiving of S&T Data in Developing Countries
                        *       Prof. LIU Chuang, Institute of Geographic
Sciences and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and
Co-Chair of the TG

16:55   Summary Remarks
                        *       Liu Yanhua, Vice President of Ministry of
Science and Technology of China

17:25           General discussion

17:55           Preparation for Day 3 and announcements

18:00           Adjourn

Thursday, 24 June

Session 8:  Breakout Panel Discussions on Thematic Issues

9:00    (individual presentations and panel discussions at separate

8-1:  Life Sciences and Public Health Data

Location: Chinese Academy of Medicine

*       YIN Ling: The General Hospital of P. L. A.
*       Prof. Vishwas CHAVAN, National Chemical Laboratory, India

*       GUAN Haibing: Shanghai Jiaotong University
*       Mr. Paul UHLIR, J.D., The National Academies, U.S.

                *       Prof. Jerome REICHMAN, Duke Law School, U.S.
                *       Mr. MA Juncai, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences (?)
                *       Dr. Belinda SETO, Deputy Director, National
Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, National Institutes of
Health, U.S.
                *       Dr. FENG Zukang, Protein Data Bank, U.S.
                *       Dr. James EDWARDS, Global Biodiversity Information
Facility, Denmark
                *       Other Chinese Panelists (to be determined)

8-2: Earth Sciences, Environmental and Natural Resources Data

Location: Institute of Geography and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of

*       LIU Chuang: Institute of Geography and Natural Resources, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
*       Dr. Dora Ann CANHOS, CRIA, CODATA Archiving Task Group

*       WANG Hui, Global Change Information and Research Center, Institute
of Geography and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
*       Dr. Roberta BALSTAD MILLER, Director, CIESIN

                        -       Dr. Raymond McCORD, Oak Ridge National
                        -       Dr. WANG Zhiqiang, Deputy Director-General
Department of Policy and Regulations, China Meteorological Administration
                        -       Prof. LIU Chuang, IGSNRR, Chinese Academy of
                        -       Prof. Paul RICHARDS, Columbia University,
                        -       Dr. Raymond WILLEMANN, GEM Technologies,
                        -       Prof.  Menas KAFATOS, Professor, George
Mason University, U.S.

8-3: Scientific Information, Journals and Digital Libraries

Location: Library of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences

*       ZHANG Xiaoling, Director of Library of Sciences, Chinese Academy of
*       Prof. Steve ROSSOUW, Cape Technicon University, South Africa

*       Ms. Julie ESANU, Office of International S&T Information Programs,
the National Academies, U.S.
*       (Chinese Rapporteur to be determined)

                        - Ms. Pippa SMART, Head of Publications, Publishing
Initiatives and Publishing Training, INASP, UK
                         - Dr. ZHANG Xiaoling, Director of Library, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
                        - Dr. Helen DOYLE, Public Library of Science, U.S.
                        - Prof. SUN Cheng Quan, Director, Information Center
for Natural Resources and Environment; Chinese STM publishing
                        - Prof. Ted BERGSTROM, University of California at
Santa Barbara
                        - Prof. John WILLINSKY, University of British
Columbia, Canada
                        - Other Chinese Panelists (to be determined)

12:00           ADJOURN

18:00           Closing Dinner

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