Here is a review of Peter Suber's excellent FOS Newsletter.

> Excerpt from Péter Jacsó, "Péter's Picks and Pans", _Online 
> Magazine_,  March/April 2002, pp. 79ff.  Jacsó's column isn't one of the 
> free online articles from that issue, so here's a fair-use slice.
> March/April issue of _Online Magazine_
> Péter's Picks & Pans
> My first pick is the Free Online Scholarship (FOS) Newsletter archive 
> edited by Peter Suber, which provides lucid, well-balanced summaries about 
> developments in electronic publishing, digital copyright, and new digital 
> services and products of scholarly communication. The second pick is the 
> new, smartened-up version of, a free full-text database of 
> nearly 500 scholarly and trade journals and general interest magazines 
> licensed by LookSmart from the Gale Group. The Pan is Wikipedia, an 
> encyclopedia meant to be built from scratch as a worldwide community 
> project by contributions, corrections, and additions from anyone, anytime 
> without any substantial guidelines or formal editorial process. It may be 
> fine for providing an outlet for those who pine to be a member in some 
> community, but it looks more like a prank, to see how the (wo)man of the 
> street and the press fall for it.
> The FOS Newsletter ( is the brainchild of Peter 
> Suber, a professor of Philosophy at Earlham College. Don't stop reading 
> here--he is well versed in arguing against the incompetency defense for 
> competent people (as practiced by "cunning and dishonest lawyers"), in 
> using Dialog for teaching philosophy, and in discussing the pros and cons 
> of various XML schemas. His background serves him well in the extremely 
> lucid, concise, practical, and balanced reporting of developments in many 
> aspects of electronic publishing, digital copyright, and the future of 
> scholarship. FOS is the acronym he coined for Free Online Scholarship. It 
> covers research papers, conference papers, dissertations, essays, books, 
> and reference sources in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences, and 
> is available free of charge on the Web.
> Each issue of the newsletter consists of summaries of the latest 
> developments in the field. These summaries are not merely indicative or 
> informative abstracts, but critical summaries, with links to several 
> related sites for background and contrasting opinions. Amidst the many 
> press releases promoting digital products and services masquerading as 
> articles--even sneaked into refereed research papers--it is refreshing to 
> read the opinions of a scholar who consistently looks at both sides of the 
> coin, cuts through the clutter, and points to areas worthy for digging 
> further to find gold. Time and again, he is the first to report on gems of 
> digital scholarship. I found myself fervently disagreeing with him only 
> once, as discussed in the pan section.
> Luckily, the newsletter is available also as a searchable archive hosted by 
> Topica ( The weekly issues, including 
> about 500 items, can be keyword-searched using Boolean operators (the 
> default is AND if you don't use operators). There is no field searching, so 
> the entire text of the archive is searched. Even when you are at the FOS 
> archive, only the first query searches FOS; a follow-up search is conducted 
> in the entire Topica message collections. Use the BACK button to return to 
> the original query cell for Search in this List. Alternatively, add suber 
> to your subject search, copyright infringement suber. Although the help 
> file does not tell you, truncation is possible, so you can use copyright 
> infring* suber to retrieve both infringement (two items) and infringing 
> (two items) from the FOS archive.
> Matches are not highlighted in full text, but you can use your browser's 
> Find command to locate the passages with the matching term. A 
> comprehensive, very good glossary complements the archive, providing 
> definitions for hundreds of terms, acronyms, and projects related to 
> digital scholarly publishing. The newsletter keeps you up-to-date, and is 
> much more reliable than some of the fee-based alerting services on 
> commercial database services. They too often forget to reduce their SDI 
> fees even when the update frequency of a database is drastically reduced or 
> the database is not updated for several months in a row.
> The well-balanced, evaluative summaries make me spend hours every week 
> following the threads accompanying each item, as did Theseus returning from 
> slaying the Minotaur in the labyrinth. Traditional print publishers would 
> charge hundreds of dollars for such a weekly newsletter. I hope Suber will 
> have the stamina to maintain the newsletter at this level. Ariadne was 
> rewarded by a bridal crown for her good deeds (albeit not by the primary 
> beneficiary of her guidance). Hopefully, this pick column will increase the 
> number of subscribers to this excellent digital newsletter, encouraging the 
> author to keep publishing it.
> [...]

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