For anyone who saw this in their mailbox, can I recommend you encourage the
sysadmin of your mail server to install Mailscanner, free open source
software from Southampton that removes email viruses and spam

We've been using it for years and it's very effective. As a result my copy
of the offending mail had the attachment automatically deleted, the file
was labelled as spam and so was automatically trashed by my filter.

This way we can all spend more time reading the real list messages.

Steve Hitchcock
IAM Group, School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton SO17 1BJ,  UK
Tel:  +44 (0)23 8059 3256     Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 2865

At 10:40 22/10/04 +0100, J.F.B.Rowland wrote:
Dear Stevan,

I have just received an email with your name on it purporting to come from
this list.  The title is Hi!? and it has a zipped attachment in it.  This
looks like a virus, worm , trojan or whatever, and I would encourage list
members NOT to open and unzip the attachment.

Yours, Fytton.

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