Bonjour,   (intentionally in French)

An economist collegue, Joëlle Farchy, is co-editor of a special issue
of a French sociology journal (publishing in French only). The topic
of this issue is free scientific publication (I am not sure whether
she means something other than open access).

She is interested in finding a contributor for a fairly short piece
analyzing goggle scolar, its uses or misuses, or contrasting it with
other way of finding scholarly articles.  Also, what (algorithmic)
techniques do they use to query the web and how does it differ from or
improve (?)  upon a simple use of the general purpose search engine
(like the standard Goggle).

It should be about 10 to 20 000 characters (spaces included) and
written in French.

I thought someone in these forum might be interested in contributing,
or might know someone who is and can do it.

She can be contacted at
   Joelle FARCHY <>

It seems to me that the issue she is preparing may contribute to make
open access better known.  She has already significantly contributed
to a better understanding of open access in France, though not through
our usual channels.

Do not write back to me : I will be off-line for some time.

Thank you for helping.


Bernard Lang

              Après la bulle Internet, la bulle financière ...
                   Et bientôt la bulle des brevets
        la gestion des catastrophes comme principe de gouvernement          ,_  /\o    \o/    Tel  +33 1 3963 5644   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  Fax  +33 1 3963 5469
           INRIA / B.P. 105 / 78153 Le Chesnay CEDEX / France
        Je n'exprime que mon opinion - I express only my opinion

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