Programme for
Children's Rights in Goa
Anandi Apts.F-1, Santa Inez, Panaji, Goa  403001
Societies Registration Act 1860, No.60/Goa/2000

Dear Friend,

Re: Meeting for Campaign Against Child Labour.

The Campaign Against Child Labour (CACL), which is a network of more than 
6000 child rights groups, women's organizations, trade unions, 
professionals, academicians and intellectuals across the country, will be 
having a full day meeting in Goa on Saturday, May 25th,2002 from 09.30 hrs. 
to 17.30 hrs. in the Conference Hall of the Caritas Goa Holiday Complex, 
St. Inez, Panaji. The Programme for Children's Rights in Goa is hosting the 
meeting and making the local arrangements.

The aim of the Campaign Against Child Labour is the early and total 
eradication of child labour in India. Since Goa providesmany job 
opportunities for children in connection with the tourism trade, special 
attention needs to be focussed on the problems of child labour in Goa.

This meeting will discuss the issues involved, the possibilities of 
extending the network of the Campaign Against Child Labour, and specific 
programmes of action to alleviate the problem in Goa.

We are delighted to extend to you a cordial invitation to attend this 
meeting and to contribute to the efforts of abolishing child labour in India.

Kindly confirm your participation as soon as possible, at the following 
telephone numbers:453552 / 453628 or by e-mail : <averthan@goatelecom. com>

Thank you very much in anticipation for your cooperation.

With warm regards,

Yours sincerely,
for the Programme for Children's Rights in Goa,

Averthanus D'Souza.
Hon. President.

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