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Dear all,

Let's avoid war and allow the inspections to work in Iraq.  Please sign petition below.



Dear MoveOn member, 

Inspections in Iraq have started. Most of us breathed a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, 
it's become
clear that the ultra-hawks in the Bush administration -- Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle -- 
will not take
yes for an answer. While the rest of the world thinks Iraq has backed down, these men 
beginning a massive public relations blitz for war. 

With the possibility of a peaceful resolution to this crisis at hand, we cannot allow 
a few men to
push the world to war. Send a message to President Bush to let the inspections work 


We'll compile your messages and present them to the Administration, including 
Secretary of State
Powell, and to U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan. 

The good news is that the ultra-hawks face some serious opposition. Secretary of State 
Powell and other members of the Bush Administration are willing to give diplomacy a 
chance, and
the State Department's interpretation of the U.N. resolution is a lot more reasonable 
than the
White House's interpretation. 

But unless wiser heads prevail, this is what we should expect: (1) starting December 
8th, members
of the Bush administration will claim that Iraq is in material breach of the U.N. 
citing supposed omissions in the coming multi-hundred page report, based on undisclosed
intelligence; (2) soon thereafter some "hot" incident, like anti-aircraft fire on U.S. 
patrols in
the no-fly zone, will be used to solidify public support for war, and finally (3) the 
campaign will begin. 

This could all begin before Christmas -- another wonderful gift to the world from the 

President Bush has agreed that war should be the very last resort. Let's hold him and 
administration to those words: 


Please sign on today. We must support policy makers who will oppose these few 
extremists in the
Bush White House who have been looking for an excuse for war from the very beginning. 


--Eli Pariser
  International Campaigns Director
  December 4th, 2002 

P.S. Here's the text of the message we will send with the list of compiled individual 

Dear Mr. President, 

On October 11, the U.S. Congress passed a joint resolution on Iraq that authorizes you 
to use war
as a last resort -- if and only if diplomacy fails to accomplish the U.S.'s national 

In this context, we are deeply concerned by your Administration's repeated attempts to 
frame Iraqi
anti-aircraft fire within the no-fly-zone as a material breach of the resolution. As 
Secretary General Kofi Annan and other U.N. diplomats have pointed out, the resolution 
excludes such events from its jurisdiction. 

We are also concerned that you have already found Iraq's response "not encouraging" 
when the
inspectors have been at work only for a week and so far have not encountered Iraqi 

The United States has made a commitment to approaching the danger that Saddam Hussein 
through the international community. The resumption of the inspections regime is a 
triumph for the
U.S., international law and multilateralism. But the United States will lose all 
credibility with
its allies if it appears that it will go to war regardless of the inspections' 
success. And by
alienating and infuriating allies through unilateral action, the U.S. could throw the 
success of
the campaign against terrorism into jeopardy. 

Mr. President, it appears that your administration is looking for an excuse to go to 
war, when a
peaceful and just solution may be at hand. We ask that you live up to your word and 
give diplomacy
a chance. 

We can win without war. 

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