
Dr Jose Pereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> the painter, writer, musicologist,
and man of many other roles has retired from Fordham University in the US in
September 2001, and has since kept very busy with his writing and painting

Says he: "I am bringing out a second edition of The Sacred Architecture of
Islam (first edition: Islamic Sacred Architecture, New Delhi 1994). I
visited Russia and the Ukraine in April-May, so that I have by now covered
most of the Baroque world."

Dr Pereira spent October 2002 in Goa. His second volume: 'Song of Goa:Mandos
of Union and Lamentation' is due to be published soon. He informed us
recently that books on Goa are also being currently written by Victor Rangel
Ribeiro (now based in Porvorim, Goa till March 2003) and Aurora Couto (who
has been at Carona, Aldona for some time now).

You can see his work on Borda's S. Joaquim sacristy frescoes online at the
address below. "There is only one picture, that of the vault, but I will
have more pictures put it soon," says he.


This is one of the senior generation of Goans who's knowledge is vast, and
range of knowledge is really amazing! Sometime back, I wrote on his work and
his paintings, following a couple of interviews with him at Campal and
Borda. You could find them online with a search for Jose + Pereira + Goa on
www.google.com --FN

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