Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XXXXXX (where XXXXXX is the old number).

Hooking up with the World Computer Exchange has resulted in "tremendous cost
savings," wrote Daryl Martyris, a representative of the Goa Schools
Computers Project in Goa, India, in an e-mail interview. His group, he said,
has placed 380 donated computers in community Internet centers in 100
schools serving more than 20,000 villagers.  "Low-cost, good-quality
equipment is practically impossible to obtain locally," he wrote.

Headline: New life for old PCs. Nonprofit group collects donated computers
to aid students in developing nations
Source: San Francisco Chronicle 16 Nov. 2002 at:
By: Henry Norr, Chronicle Staff Writer   Saturday, November 16, 2002

"One man's junk is another man's treasure."

That old adage hasn't lost its relevance in the Information Age. On the
contrary: PCs that Americans are ready to toss on the scrap heap can serve
as a bridge to the Internet and the world of modern technology for young
people in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

That's the premise behind the World Computer Exchange, a nonprofit
organization that collects working but unwanted Windows and Macintosh
computers and arranges for their delivery to schools, education agencies and
community-development programs around the world.

Under banners reading "PCs for Peace," the group's Bay Area branch will hold
a two-day collection this weekend in Mountain View and Sunnyvale.

Since its incorporation in March 2000, the Massachusetts group has shipped
4,000 computers to 585 schools with 217,000 students in Bangladesh, Benin,
Cameroon, Ghana, India, Kenya, Lithuania, Nepal, Nigeria, South Africa,
Tanzania and Uganda.

With the hardware it hopes to collect this weekend, the group plans to add
the Republic of Georgia to the list. A shipment to Bolivia -- the group's
first to Latin America -- is scheduled for next month. Projects with
numerous other nations, from Afghanistan and Barbados to Vietnam and
Zimbabwe, are in the works.

"We're seeing more demand for our donated computers than we can keep up
with," said Richard Gingras, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and former Apple
and AtHome executive who serves as chair of the group's Bay Area chapter.

For donors, the program is not only a way to put unwanted equipment to good
use, but also a bargain: They not only avoid the fees many
computer-recycling operations charge but also get a tax deduction.

Volunteers will fire up donated machines on the spot. If they work, donors
will get a receipt to file with their tax returns. Gear that doesn't work
won't be accepted.

In addition to consumer-oriented collection programs like this weekend's,
the group seeks volume donations from businesses replacing older PCs. Last
month, for example, it cut a deal with the Palo Alto Research Center
(formerly Xerox PARC), which is providing volunteer assistance as well as

To comply with license requirements, computers are usually shipped with the
operating system that was on them when they were donated. When donors have
stripped the hard drive for security reasons, the group installs a copy of
the free Linux OS. For groups that would prefer to have Windows installed on
such PCs, Gingras said, "We are exploring a solution with Microsoft, but
haven't yet closed an arrangement."

The group doesn't just dispatch the hardware, he said. It also works closely
with recipients to "make sure the the educational implementations within
each country are appropriately planned and appropriately funded."

Recipient organizations prepare detailed, 10-to-40-page plans, which -- like
all of the group's documents, including budgets and the minutes of
meetings -- are posted on the Exchange Web site. The Exchange advises that
10 percent of the computers received be set aside for spare parts.

The cost of collecting, processing, shipping and installing a computer (with
keyboard, monitor and mouse) averages about $75, according to Gingras.

That money typically comes from sponsors in the recipient country -- a local
university or foundation or, in a few instances, government grants.

Hooking up with the World Computer Exchange has resulted in "tremendous cost
savings," wrote Daryl Martyris, a representative of the Goa Schools
Computers Project in Goa, India, in an e-mail interview. His group, he said,
has placed 380 donated computers in community Internet centers in 100
schools serving more than 20,000 villagers.

"Low-cost, good-quality equipment is practically impossible to obtain
locally," he wrote.

In fact, according to Dikenra Kandel of the Committee for the Promotion of
Public Awareness and Development Studies, a nongovernment organization in
Nepal, "there would be no computers in most of these parts we are
approaching for many years to come, given their financial situation, had it
not been through WCE."

Kandel's group has placed five to seven donated computers and provided
training and implementation assistance to 75 schools in rural hill districts
of Nepal, according to his e-mail.

Both Kandel and Martyris acknowledged that relying on old hardware, with
relatively slow processors, limited memory and small hard drives, presents
some problems.

"It was not a job without serious challenge to be able to make the equipment
work properly," Kandel wrote. He said his group has urged the group to set
higher configuration standards that ensure that donated machines "can handle
the data that tend to float across (the) Internet."

The group is getting the message. "WCE has been moving up its own learning
curve over the last few years," Gingras said. "We are now more strict about
policing basic standards. For example, we no longer accept pre-Pentium PCs
(even though) it's often hard for volunteers to turn away a sweet-faced
donor with 10-year-old 386. And we will be getting increasingly detailed in
profiling the computers."
Donating PCs for overseas students
World Computer Exchange seeks computer donations for students in developing

What's needed: Pentium PCs and Macs in good working condition and capable of
connecting to the Internet, plus working monitors, printers, modems, mice,
keyboards and software.

Where: Parking lots of Fry's Electronics, 1077 E. Arques Ave., Sunnyvale;
and ABC Storage, 2488 Wyandotte St., Mountain View.

When: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., today and Sunday.

More info: www.pcsforpeace.org or www.worldcomputerexchange.org. Potential
corporate donors should e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

E-mail Henry Norr at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Don't forget - you saw it on GoaNet!

What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal


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