
TidBits.007 ( Oh Sonia-ma-ji!  Why have you forsaken us?)

No sooner we got the wind of your passing through Goa, we had dreams. Our
ma-ji must have made up her mind at last to change the leadership of us
'Pack of Wolves'. And she must be bringing a plaque with a special name
printed on it. Its mine, its mine. No! its mine. And we could'nt sleep for
the desire to be the first in line to greet you at the far far away Dabolim
airport and stick out our necks so you could choose the one to honour. And
some of us, the front runners, were cock sure it was going to  be one of us,
that the others stayed away with grumpy faces. But then, we were left
holding the special smiles we had prepared, the bouquets and garlands of
choicest flowers that we had brought for you . Nary a passing glance we
deserved from you as you  so elegantly switched your aircrafts and vanished
from sight. With our feet heavy as if filled with lead, with the load of our
special smiles and the flowers we carried, we barely managed to limp back to
the safety of our cars and beat a hasty retreated lest the onlookers give us
the reception of Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!.

Oh! Its for us, its for us,  those of us  who remained behind with grumpy
faces knew so well, that we made it to the far far away Dabolim airport in
record time to stick our neck to claim the prize, when ma-ji returned from
Karwar. And we also noted that the shameless Raja of  Satari who has lost
his faculty of  recognizing what shame is, and who has sold his soul to the
MGP and his body to the BJP brought up the end of the line-up once again.
But we  never never even dreamt that our dear ma-ji  would literally take
the scourge of India,  Mr. Praveen Togadia,  seriously,  and bark at us like
she did, a bark full of  scorn and contempt,  before vanishing in thin air
once again.

"Why are you here?  You first unite yourselves and work for the people of

That the bark could convey such words of wisdom! Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the men
and women of Congress of Goa. The next time you stick out your necks to be
adorned with the plaques, it could be far worse than the bark. It could be
the bite.

Well done, Sonia-ji, well done. You are learning fast.

Dear Sonia-ji.

You were expected to listen to the sound advice of the people of Goa, not
during the 2002 Assembly Elections, but from the time of the 1999 Assembly
Elections. We begged of you to dump the corrupt and the scamsters. But you
not only did not  do that, but you also gave sanctuary to the corrupt, the
scamster, the traitor of Goa and its tongue, the guy who your dear husband
had humiliated so bad, the white maned lion, Ramakant Khalap. That you have
to resort to barking at the people who have ruined your party's chances in
Goa,  comes too late in time. You must realize that none, repeat, none, who
profess allegiance to Congress in Goa, and who are on the top rung of the
party are capable of uniting and working for the betterment of Goa and
Goans. And should you think of replacing this abominable stench in the party
with the ones from the party's rank and file, please think twice over. Those
that follow fit perfectly well in the contingency plans of the masters who
have groomed them to take over and who will then dance to the master's tune
for a rule  by proxy. And worst still, these new players to be are far far
more industrious and voracious than the masters themselves. Sad to say that
your party's rope in Goa has knotted so bad that nothing short of cutting it
out and throwing it away the pieces will solve the problem. And you will be
surprised to see that this rope has taken the un-imaginable twists and turns
around itself and around the MGP and the BJP that it will be difficult to
know which one is which,  for it was necessary for your party's rope to draw
nourishment from the others to survive, and still is. In doing so, your
party's stand has been compromised and your party leaders have become pawns
in the hands of the Goa BJP which can only thrive from their subjugation and

Sad to say, the situation is such that you will have to use a special torch
to cull out the  real congress-men or the  congress-women at heart. Most of
them will have the lion's tail, camouflaged and well hidden from sight, and
which comes out a whipping when the mergerist's interests are jeopardized.
If you really want to test these miseralilises, all you have to do is to
command  them  to  be faithful to your dear late husband's dreams that Goa
should remain Goa with Konkani as its sole state language. Let them, in one
voice, declare that the Goa Language Act will be modified to remove all
mention of Marathi in its text. And if they do it, which they won't, you
still need to cut their throats anyway, for they will be doing it  only to
save their skins and their kodels. The worst choice you could have made to
put the reigns of your party,  is in the traitorous hands  of the Raja of
Satari with his lion's tail trailing half a mile behind him where-ever he
goes. And the next time you want to hand over the reigns of your party in
capable hands, please check-out for the far too familiar lion's tail.


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