What's On In Goa:
* Oct 16-17: Ornithology workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

    As we read from time to time of rape being comitted on women in Goa after 
they have been offered and accepted drinks that are spiked, I would like to 
throw some light on this topic which is not confined to Goa only. Excerpts 
arom a N. American newspaper are given here as a warhing of this problem and 
I hope that tourists travelling to Goa will take cognisance of this menace.


     A fifteen year old girl was assaulted by at least four men in a motel 
room. Police believe that the girls drink had been spiked with GHB one of the 
so-called date rape drugs, while she was attending a dance.

       "This incident should serve as a wake-up call," said a police 
spokesman. "People have to realise that this threat is very real."

     The girl was found wandering naked in the hall of a motel one early 
morning. The night before, she had been attending an alcohol free dance for 
teenagers just a few doors away. The teenager told police that she remembered 
little of what had happened, except that at one point she had been naked in a 
room with four men. Investigators found evidence of sexual assault.

     GHB or gamma-hydroxylbutyrate has gained notorierty as a date-rape drug 
because it can cause drousiness, loss of inhibition and memory loss. This 
attack on girl comes just weeks after a massive bust on a suspected trafficer 
of GHB who was based just outside the city. The drug has been sold all over 
North America. Because of a loophole in the law, it is being sold widely. GBL 
(gamma butyrolactone)  is the key ingredient in the manufacture of GHB . It 
is a mixture of common industrial chemicals and acts as a depressant on the 
central nervous system.  The drug is colourless  and odourless making it 
ideal for spiking drinks. Once injested, it takes effect in 10 to 20 mins. 
and lasts for several hours. A coaster has been designed to detect GHB. These 
coasters are very reliable to detect GHB. Bar patrons use a straw to place a 
drop of their drink on a test area on the coaster. If the drink is laced with 
GHB, the test area changes colour.  These coasters do not work well with 
coloured drinks like red wine or rum and coke.

      I have in writing this tried to warn people, both male and female, 
never to leave their drinks to go to the washroom or to dance. Do not accep[t 
drinks from strangers. One will remember a British girl who was gang raped by 
four Goans and ended up comitting suicide in England. Edgar Fernandes who was 
murdered in Istanbul could also have been drugged before he was robbed and 
murdered. Such crimes are not reported in time and the police find it hard to 
indict criminals as evidence is hard to collect and assaulted individuals do 
not bother to go through the gamut of police investigations which are tedious 
and time consuming. Besides, for those onlt travelling to far off countries, 
they are obliged to return as witnesses for the police prosecutors and this 
inconvenience should be borne in mind. This is a serious warning and no one 
is immune from this danger. A little foresight can work wonders and protect 
ones sexuality.

      Edgar Martins
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