In response to my request yesterday, a young Goan sent me a voter's wish list below 
for the
upcoming May 30th elections in Goa.  George

Any party /candidate who can fulfill my wish list has my vote - besides my support.

1) Make Government Servants Accountable:
A 'gorment' job in Goa today is what every second youth aspires for. And why ever not? 
good pay, steady income and job security for life. Absolutely no responsibility or 
Government servants in general are discourteous, inefficient and underworked. And 
their salaries
are paid by our taxes. In fact Government salaries make up the biggest chunk of all 
expenditure. And all they do is calculate their bonus and leave and gratuity - 
specially those
employed in the lower rungs. And now to top it all they are being offered handsome VRS 
which again is being paid my our taxes. My definition of Government Servants includes
semi-government employees in banks, corporations etc. Privatisation in the banking 
sector to a
large extent has eliminated the chaff from the grain. The inefficent are being asked 
to leave and
super-efficient are being grabbed by the private sector for handsome renumeration. The 
Sector is one place where mediocriy is the norm and initiative is not encouraged. 

2) Ban all Unions
Strikes in Public and Private sector have resulted in Industries shying away from 
setting up here.
The bullying capitalist has been overthrown by the bullying union leader - not 
necessarily to the
benefit of the worker. There are hordes of unemployed. I say to al these strikers "If 
you do not
like your job - leave it. Someone else will take your place". In Feb/March 2002 in 
Kerela the
entire Government machinery was in disarray for two months when the Government Unions 
went on
strike. The government did not buckle down to their demands. The common man supported 
Givernment and finally the Unions gave in without a whimper. I doubt any political 
in Goa is principled enough to stand up to the Unions. After all they represent 
precious votes.

3) Have Government Contracts Audited by the Opposition parties
Every year the Auditor General's report shows how crores of rupees have been spent 
wrongly due to
mismanagement, corruption and pure foolhardiness. That is our money. But nobody seems 
to be
bothered. "Can't beat them join them" seems to be the name of the game with very 
enterpreneur now
joining the bandwagon and bidding for lucrative Government contracts. After all the 
bribes are
paid the job will naturally be shoddy and we the public have to live with this.

4) Privatise - Professionalise
Much is happening in this direction but a lot more has to be done and fast. The sloth 
has already
set in and unless private initiative is given encouragement Goa will stagnate.

5) De - beuracratise, De - legalise, De - mystify
The lawyers, Chartered accountants and 'agents' seem to be the only people making hay 
out of the
situation. The laws and the judicial process itself has to be simplified. The 
mechanisms of
governance have to be made less complex. Or else every enterpreneur gets caught up in 
the morass
legalese and red tape -leaving no time for enterprise itself. 

6) Ban all public displays of religion
Recent events have shown that despite all our technical progress religious sentiments 
come to the
fore and destroy years of work. If religion itself could be banned that would be 
ideal, but till
then at least 'public' display of religion can be banned. The religious can conduct 
their affairs
in the privacy of their homes or places of worship. They need not blast the entire 
with their beliefs. Once religion is made a 'private' affair then perhaps religious 
will not erupt and be given so much prominence. And we can move forward.

7) Make socio-economic factors the criteria for privileges.
For too long have caste and tribe been the criteria for disbursing subsidies, land, 
jobs etc. As a tool of social reform they were relevant some time back but with the 
situation in
Goa in the 21st century there are no groups that do not enjoy equal opportunity. Let 
merit be
rewarded. Let a person be given a particular privilege becuase he deserves it. Or 
because he needs
it (poor, handicapped etc). But not because he is from a scheduled tribe or caste. 
This directly
discriminates against people because of their birth.

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