Excerpt from "Goem Mhojem Bhangar" by Pundalik Asnodkar
Freely adapted from the original Konkani by Cecil Pinto 

12th May 2002 -  7.45 p.m. - Siolim, Goa.

Zelia coughed dramatically for effect. It was just a slight cold but Zelia
liked to put on a pretense of being seriously ill whenever anyone phoned or
visited. At the age of seventy two, with five grandchildren, she felt she
had earned the right to put up an appearance of being more sick than she
actually was. Her eldest son Daniel was phoning from Canada. He phoned
every month to find out how things were. 

"Daniel baba, you know what day it is today?" asked Zelia with an affected
hoarseness in her voice.

"Twelfth of May, Mai. Why anything special today?"

"Baba, today is Mother's Day!"

"Oh yes. Happy Mothers' Day Mai. I did'nt know it was such a big thing in
Goa. Here in Canada it is a big event. You did receive the Mothers' Day
card we sent you though?"

"Card? What card?"

"Doris had picked up this beautiful card for you and all of us signed it
and Ryan and Stacy drew cute little cartoons for their Grandma"

"But, Baba I did'nt receive any card from you. Must be stuck in the post
somewhere. Your sister Linda sent one from Australia though. When is she
going to have any children, that sister of yours. Does'nt she want to be a
mother too? She's nearly thirty five. What is she waiting for?"

"Mai, Mai, we've been through this before. Let Linda take her time. It is
her decision to make and we should not push her."

"You modern generation with all your modern ideas. What's the point in
getting married at all. Huh?."


"Baba, talking about marriage, your brother Gabriel is finally seriously
giving marriage a thought. I have spread the word around here. Working in
Kuwait for 8 years now I am sure we will get some good proposals."

"When did Gabru last phone you Mai?"

"Just a few minutes back Daniel Baba. Called to wish me and ask if the
flowers had arrived"

"Flowers? What flowers are you talking about Mai?"

"Oh! You don't know? A Maruti van came today morning and this smart young
man got out and asked me if I was Zelia D'Costa. Then from the van he gave
me a nice tall vase with beautiful fresh flowers, and a beautiful cake from
A Pasteleria, and a gift wrapped box. Said that our Gabru had ordered this
for me from Kuwait via e-mail!"

"What was in the gift wrapped box Mai?"

"There was this lovely fine china plate with it's own wooden stand. On the
plate was printed 'Thank you for being The Best Mother in the World -
Mothers Day, May 12th 2002'. I have put the plate in the showcase, in the
centre, and I can see it right now as I speak to you. Oh! That Gabru! He
always knows how to do things in style. Oh my Gabru. My favourite son"

"Mai! I thought I was your favourite son. And was'nt my family photo that I
sent you from Canada in the centre of the showcase?"

"No longer Daniel Baba. From now on Gabru's Mothers' Day plate will occupy
that place. Theresina Aunty from next door had come and she was green with
envy on seeing the flowers and cake. And when she saw the plate she just
walked out without a word. Ha! What did her son send her from Kenya? A
cheque maybe. No heart they have. Ha! Now see my Gabru...."



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