HC split over Goa House dissolution
Oppn demands Governor's recall, Parrikar's resignation

DH News Service

PANAJI: A consolidated Opposition in Goa today demanded that Governor
Mohammed Fazal be recalled, and said Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar was
morally obliged to resign after a split ruling by the Panjim Bench of the
Bombay High Court here on the dissolution of the Goa assembly on February

The matter will now go before the Chief Justice of Bombay.

While the senior member of the two-judge bench Justice A S Aguiar quashed
and set aside the dissolution as being "unconstitutional" and an abuse of
power, Justice P V Hardas dissented with the order and dismissed the
petitioners' claim.

But a combined Opposition -- including the Congress and the Nationalist
Congress Party (NCP) -- said that Justice Aguiar's strong indictment of the
Governor's and chief minister's actions called for the imposition of
President's Rule in the state before the election on May 30.

In his ruling, Justice Aguiar said the Governor's order "suffered from legal
malafides and is based on advice to dissolve the House for a purpose not
authorised by law. The order is an abuse of power and therefore
unconstitutional", he ruled. 

He also held that "consequently, the order continuing the chief minister is
hereby set aside and quashed".

The judgment comes just three weeks ahead of the Assembly election, and the
Addl. Advocate General Vilas Thali said he expected the matter would now go
before a third judge and arguments would have to be heard afresh.

Though the chief minister argued that a dissenting judgment reduced the case
to a level of "academic interest", the Opposition here said he had the moral
responsibility to resign.

"The government should be sent home and President's rule imposed. We also
demand the recall of Governor Fazal," the Goa Pradesh Congress Committee
chief Nirmala Sawant told this newspaper from Delhi.

"The judgment shows the governor made a terrible mistake in not applying his
mind to the chief minister's advice to dissolve the House and he should be
recalled for it," the NCP leader Wilfred De Souza said.

He also added that the judgment had "been unambiguous that the chief
minister has the moral obligation to resign, failing which he should be
dismissed. We want to see some political and moral action in the

These demands were similarly echoed by former union law minister Ramakant
Khalap who resigned from the BJP two days ago. Mr Khalap said that the
judgment exposed the flaws in Mr Parrikar's move to dissolve the House, and
asked for central rule to ensure a free and fair election in Goa.

Mr Parrikar's decision to dissolve the House on Feburary 27 to seek a new
mandate just two years and seven months into the term had been challenged by
the Congress. 

Four petitions had been filed by Congress leaders alone, and one by the MGP,
challenging the use of the contingency fund to run the government.

A host of legal luminaries adept in Constitutional law had descended on Goa
to argue the case which had carried on for nearly a month. (Deccan Herald)

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