Goenkars     !

I am so very pleased to share with Goans world wide - a post 
which I recieved from Sylvia Pires -the Hon. Secretary
Goan Welfare Society, Nairobi.

Goans of Nairobi -thank you for joining us in celebrating 

Sorry for the delay in making this post on this forum ,  I ve
had a problem with my computer - had a Modem transplant - ) : -

Thank you 


Dear Rene,

The Goa Day Mass celebrated by the Goans in and around Nairobi was nothing
short of a success in bringing people together. It has been a long time
since we've seen over 250 Goans together.  Thank you for giving us the
opportunity to celebrate being Goan!  And also keeping us so well informed
about Goa Day and other events of interest.

Below is a small write up on what happen that day and I am also cc the
organising committee who put this great event together.  The idea of the
mass was Joyce Shamsudhin, and later bringing to life was achieved through
the team efforts of Jane De Souza, who headed the Goa Day Mass - Johnny
Rodrigues and Cheryl De Souza.  The food from the traditional grams to
cocktails and sorpotel & sannas and desserts was donated by well wishers.

Kind Regards,

Sylvia Pires
Hon. Secretary
Goan Welfare Society, Nairobi


It was a grand evening on the 17th August 2002.  From Museum Hill one could
see a myriad of cars in the Goan Gymkhana car park.  Walking into the club
guests were greeted by the warm lights of the club, the beautiful sound of
the choir singing Kokani hymns.  The celebrant, Fr. Wilfred De Souza gave a
humorous and thought provoking sermon about the origins of Goa Day and our
heritage and tied it well into the sermon about our Christian faith.  Young
Mervin Goes gave a fine rendition of the Besao (Blessings) for the East
African Goan Community composed by Philu De Souza.  The mass ended with all
congregants singing international song "Proud to be a Goan" with re-written
version of lyrics by Egid Barretto (Mombasa).

After the mass the 250+ Goenkars received the traditional grams and entered
into the pool area.  The whispering palms and warm candlelights floating in
the pool created an ambiance of being in Goa.  The guests were treated to
delicious cocktails followed by sorpotel and sannas, mutton mince, fruit
salad and ice cream donated by well-wishers.

The evening was made complete  music and feni.

Every Goan who attended this first Goa Day celebration in Nairobi truly
enjoyed the evening and look forward to the next Goa Day.

Viva Goa!

By Sylvia Pires

Organising committee

Jane D'Souza
Johnny Rodrigues
Cheryl deSouza
Joyce D'Souza - Shamshudin

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