In a message dated 08/26/2002 8:55:06 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Those were the days .... welcoming me to the list (we since lost this 
tradition in between, of formally welcoming new members)...We were first 
thrilled to get to know each other, and overawed that so much could be 
achieved by communicating with unknown others over such a distance.... As one 
likes to argue, places like GoaNet can be the 'cyber-kudds' of the 21st 
century. Just as an earlier generation of Goans set up places for Goans to 
stay in the hostile environments of a new city (Bombay), we need to build 
networks that are mutually beneficial, linking people in cyber terms, across 
the globe, wherever they might have migrated to.
GoaNet can and is playing such a role. Other mailing lists too have a role to 
play; but unfortunately we all (me too) at times get subsumed in our rivalry 
and egos and this blocks the potential good that could come from such 

Over to the others. Let's hear from them. Criticism welcome... this is
critical if we are to improve. FN>>>

Dear Fred and Fellow GoaNetters:

On this seventh day of the eight anniversary of Goanet, I congratulate and 
offer my KUDOS to those who first had the vision and all who have diligently 
persevered in making this Goanet, "the Originale List," everything that it 
truly is! Shabash!

Goanet was my first exposure to a Cyber-List and despite the initial 
aggravation from a few braggarts, I felt a real sense of belonging. I was 
asked to introduce myself, which I did, and the bonding began. And it has 
continued unabated, to our mutual benefit.

It was refreshing to see a recent August 17 "Welcome to a new member from 
Nashik -- Fr. Augustine Silveira, S. J.," and I wish this healthy trend 
continues. Would recommend that this be a prerequisite before future members 
are subscribed, in order to ensure transparency.

In re "other mailing lists," they all can and have a role to play, PROVIDED, 
they mind their own business. However, when they assume an adversary role or 
resort to snooping and scooping Goanet posts and bashing Goanetters, 
unbeknownst to them behind their backs, they become worst than goons and are 
a bane to our Goan society. I will respect this August occasion and save the 
gory details for a later posting. Such vicious people or list coordinators 
should be expunged from the Goanet List so that Netters are encouraged to 
post freely, without being criticized on other forums, just for kicks.

The following statement on an "Open" list is revealing:


Goanet's Admin. or A-Team, deserves special mention. Attempts were made to 
replicate it elsewhere but failed miserably due to lack of genuine interest 
in its role. You have unjustly taken the rap for Goanet, through your 
steadfastness and pure grit. Keep up the good work.

On the question of women's voices not heard being much, haven't we all 
witnessed the way men gang up and start banging and clanging upon them? And, 
IMHO, action came only after it was too late and the damage already done to 
their psyche.

What is needed is a clear delineation of Goanet's Rules and monthly reminders 
thereof so that people are always "en garde" and learn to treat women with 
the utmost dignity. We have all learned from our mothers and should respect 
the "sixth" sense women are endowed with :-)

Let us all begin by introducing ourselves, starting with the pioneer Aug. 25, 
1994, Group and going down memory lane. It would help if Goanet published a 
monthly roster of names or other available grouping of names so that a true 
sense of camaraderie can be fostered, voluntarily. A suggested format would 
be of great help!

I saw an interesting open-end poll months ago on Goanet's YahooGroups Site as 
to how many Netters were actually in Goa or outside Goa and was one of three 
respondents. Isn't it time to close that poll and possibly use it for better 

More to follow, but in the meantime let us all pat ourselves on the back for 
being an active and integral part of Goanet "Originale" and not one of those 
clones like 2, 3, 4, et cetera. Also, let us resolve to be loyal to Goanet, 
the mother of all Goan Lists, and help in its steady growth. Together we can 
make it happen.

It has definitely helped me to a great extent, on which I will elaborate in 
greater detail when my turn for introduction comes up. In the meantime, best 
wishes to you all.

Ad Multos Annos:

Patrick (Pat) de Sousa
Maryland, USA
AKA Paddy

PS: My only criticism is that "freedom of expression" has bounds and not 

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