Headline: Ambulance will be a goer in Goa.
Source: Evening Herald (Plymouth). 23 July, 2002 at:

APPEAL: Lack of medical equipment is crisis in tourist region

A Saltash  couple is appealing for donations and medical equipment to help
provide an emergency ambulance service in the popular Indian tourist region
of Goa.

Colin and Sue Russell are both members of Saltash Lions, and Colin retired
from Saltash ambulance service three years ago.

Last year, they took out locally-raised funds to enable 1,000 sight-saving
eye operations to be carried out at a desert hospital at Bisalpur, Western
Rajasthan, and also took educational materials to an orphanage for deaf and
dumb children near Bombay.

But it was while giving first-aid resuscitation training in Goa towards the
end of their trip that Colin became aware of the ambulance crisis facing the

He saw a female English tourist who had drowned in the surf being attended
by a doctor and nurse.

They worked unsuccessfully for an hour to save her life before an ambulance
turned up - a bare white van with no equipment and not even a stretcher. The
president of Candolin Lions, Saltash's twin group in Goa, put a shocked
Colin in touch with the region's secretary of St John Ambulance and the Red
Cross of Goa.

Colin said: "It was evident that they could provide personnel, training and
expertise, but they had no ambulances or equipment.

"We came back to Saltash in January with the target of getting three
ambulances out there." Saltash's St John Ambulance had already donated its
old vehicle for use as a mobile medical centre in Moldova, but St John in
Axminster donated theirs for use in Goa, and it was rededicated last month.

It is now being stored free of charge at Certini Cycles, on the Tamar View
industrial estate at Carkeel, while Colin and Sue gather as much equipment
and medical supplies as they can.

Sue said: "Goa has now got five vehicles, so we are taking one ambulance and
as much kit as we can.

"All the Lions clubs in the district are helping to equip it, and we are
also receiving donations of money.

"We may need to fill a separate container as well as the ambulance, and are
looking for ways to ship it all out; Colin will fly out to meet it at the
other end."

The Russells will also be returning to the eye hospital, the orphanage and
Goa in January, taking with them Saltash Leos president Amanda Wells and
member Caroline Smith.

Anyone who would like to help the Russells is asked to contact them on 01752


Express and Echo (Devon), 11 July 2002

Ambulance will be sent to Far East.

Axminster and district St John Ambulance is sending its old ambulance to Goa
in the Far East [sic], where ambulances are in short supply. Following the
dedication of the new ambulance at the parish church, Superintendent Derek
Cowling handed the keys of the old ambulance to Jamie Love, the president of
Axminster Lions, which is sponsoring and arranging the vehicles
transportation to the Far East.
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