* Oct 06: Alzheimers conf ends Sun 2pm, Porvorim
* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Nov 29-Dec 1: Plant Utsav 2k2 at Panjim (demo, contest of plants)

  I wish Goa would send someone to Brazil to teach the Brazilians to play soccer or 
futbol. What has a Panjim councillor to tell us about environmental degradation and 
all those high-fallutin catchwords like gender-equality and local governance, making 
democracy work and new experiments in India's local government system and 
environmental issues facing Goa's towns and villages. A Panjim councillor who I know 
very well is sent to Canada at Canadian taxpayer's expense (I know about the Canadian 
International Development Agency as I served with them for two years in Togo, West 
Africa and their financial mis-management that is hardly scrutinized). I was last wek 
in Manitoba where I visited Native Reserves (concentration Camps) where many are 
impoverished, malnourished and some don't even have drinking water and toilet 
facilities. Canada has a habit of ignoring its problems to divert attention from the 
real issues and should not try to portray itself as a paragon of virtue and de!
velopmemnt. I know what I am writing as I have lived here longer than many others. 

    We thankfully do not have a parking problems and a dog menace as Panjim has and 
which a councillor could tackle. Panjim could be compared to a village with 50,000 
citizens who are irresponsible and fling their garbage everywhere and do not know what 
cleanliness means. In the village where I come from, bottles are discardwed, medicine 
wrapings, plastic is dumped by the neighbours on my property with impunity. I have to 
get rid of this menace as I cannot find the culprits (the neighbours are Catholics who 
perfunctorily say their prayers).  

    Goans will do anything to come together at the drop of a hat for a circus-like 
tamasha and they will ignore the issue of building a club in Toronto to the 
satisfaction of over 20,000 Goans (no poll taken - ever). Those who are behind this 
talk at Mississauga are the ones who are remisss in their responsibilities. I will 
watch this charade from the sidelines. 

  Edgar Martins

> Meeting on Environmental Issues Facing Goa
> Patricia Pinto, a municipal councillor of Panjim was invited to Canada by 
> the South Asian Partnership (SAP) Canada's India Linkage Program (ILP) which 
> is funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The ILP 
> promotes greater interaction and coooperation between civil society 
> organizations (CSOs) in Canada and India.
> Patricia participated as a panellist at the two-day workshop on "Gender 
> Equality and Local Governance" held on  September 26 and 27 by the 
> International Centre for Municipal Development of the Federation of Canadian 
> Municipalities in association with the City of Gatineau, Quebec.
> While here, she also delivered a talk at the University of  British
> Colombia, Vancouver, on "Making Democracy Work in Goa New Experiments in 
> India's Local Government System".
> The International Goan Organization has asked her to lead a discussion
> entitled "Environmental Issues facing Panjim, and Goa's towns and villages".
> This meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 9, 2002, time 7.00 p.m., 
> at the Mississauga City Hall, Committee Room A.
> This meeting is free, and all are invited to attend and present their
> views in the discussion.
> Map & directions at http://www.city.mississauga.on.ca/maps/
> Posted on behalf of Zulema de Souza/Al Mathias of the IGO
> Tim de Mello
> Ontario, CANADA
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