"Eunice de Souza, better known for her poetry and lucid criticism, has
finally written a novel. She bagan publishing her poetry relatively late
in life, and it should not surprise ardent followers of her literary work
that her first novel should have come after she ended her teaching
career," so writes Santan Rodrigues. 

There's a review of 'Dangerlok in Mumbai' in a (by now dated) December 23,
2001 issue of the Free Press Journal. Writes Rodrigues:"The book is based
in middle-class Mumbai, and a 'Bambiya' reader will identify with the many
familiar scenes and situations and vivid characters depicted. The
excitement of the environment even in the uneventful arrival of a new bus
route, the 'Bambiya' Hindi, the graphic characterization of people who
rise above becoming stereotypes are the strength of the novel."

Rodrigues is a Mumbai-based poet who took to PR because poetry can't
bring in a decent living in India. To me, is about the only known face one
meets while wandering aimlessly around the steet-booksales around Mumbai's
Churchgate-Fountain area during my occasional visits there.

Eunice de Souza, on the other hand, is someone who's works one should have
been more familiar with, specially had I to take a little bit more
seriously the English Litt. syllabi one went in for, more with the
intention of having some paper qualifications to stay in journalism!

Interesting perhaps for some of us on GoaNet: "The novel certres around
Rina Ferreira, a middle-aged spinster and a teacher of English literature
in a city college. Among the many attributes assigned to the heroine of
the novel is of being a poet and the swings in mood may have been sparked
by this vocation.

"The story is written in the form of letters to a friend, David a former
lover who lives in America. He is always referring to his new girl friend
but has a keen interest in the life and world of Rina Ferreira. Another
friend, Megan, who also lives abroad in the West, is used as a sounding
board for Rina's moods and situations. But in between is the exciting
narrative that realistically and with just that shade of humour sums up
life in the city as no other writer has done before with the possible
exception of Kiran Nagarkar..."

BOOK DETAILS: Dangerlok. Eunice de Souza. Penguin Books. Rs 150. 

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