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VASCO,  Oct  1 -- Flag Officer Goa Naval Area  and  Flag Officer Naval
Aviation Rear Admr. S. K. Damle while speaking to media persons at INS
Gomantak this evening confirmed the number of casualties and expressed grief
over the incident. 

Rd. Admr. Damle said a board of inquiry has been constituted to identify the
exact cause of the incident. He said it could be technical failure or even
human error and further went on to state that the planes were flying
parallel, when their wings got entangled and said "this could be human

Narating the incident he stated that the incident took place at 9.45 am just
minutes after the ceremonial fly past was over which was witnessed by Flag
Officer Commanding Western Naval Command Vice Admiral Pasriacha and other
senior naval officer including those involved in the commissioning of
Illyusin 38 and ex-aviators. 

Describing the Illyushin 38, Rear Adm. Damle pointed out that it was
commissined in the year 1977 and had undergone overhauling during 1996-99.

One is presently been refurbish in Russia he said while pointing out that
the longevity of the aircraft could be even 2015. The Illyusin 38 has its
base in Goa for the entire country and was among the five that were imported
from Russia and was navigated by experienced crew belonging to the Indian
Navy, the FOGA said. 

He further stated that the Illyusin 38 had an illustrious track record of
30,000 flying hours besides a never-before mishap recod. At the time of the
incident Illyusin 38 with Frame No. 304 had seven occupants including the
two pilots while Illyusin 38 with Frame No. 302 had five occupants including
two pilots, all who were reported dead during the mid-air collision. 

He also pointed out that the Indian Navy had an excellent track record as
far as mishaps were concerned as compared to foreign countries. In regard to
the compensation to the family members of the deceased naval personnel and
the civilians , Admr. Damle stated that the government has its own
guidelines which would be followed as far as compensation is concerned. 


A board of inquiry has been constituted to probe the mishap, considered one
of the worst in the history of indian naval aviation. The inquiry has been
ordered into the collision which took place on completion of the flypast run
over the naval airfield here.

Over the last 25 years, the air squadron which provides `search and rescue
cover' over the Indian ocean region, to meet any exigency at sea, had
achieved nearly 30,000 hours of accident- free flying. 

During the Maldives political crisis, the squadron was pressed into service
to augment India's efforts in restoring peace in the island-nation and its
IL-38 aircraft was instrumental in locating the merchant vessel `Progress
Light' that was being used by the rebels to escape after their abortive coup
attempt. (ENDS) 


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