In Kuwait City about 200 metres away from Roman Catholic Church there is a 
magnificent place where Non-Catholic Christian Churches are located, at the 
entrace of this place surrounded by a big all around wall it is written as 
“The National Evangelical Church” accommodating innumerable Christian 
denominations.  Though a number of  nationalities are involved in prayers in 
this Pious House yet they are all united under their respective 
congregations by one common factor that is Christian doctrine.  The common 
unifying factor is Christ.  On 31st May, Friday I had an opportunity to 
attend to the prayer service of one of the groups there known as Pakistani 
Urdu speaking Christians where special invitee was Pastor Don Pirozok from 
USA who was visiting Kuwait for a short period.  Prior to that Friday Pastor 
Pirozok preached at Vineyard Ministry where Sister Lata conducts her 
preaching along with her Pastor husband Ramesh. Both of them are ably 
supported in their Christian Mission by their two youthful daughters, elder 
one in singing and the younger one in playing organ of course along with 
other singers and smart musicians.  Besides this family, this Ministry is 
ably supported in its activities on Saturday and Sunday evenings prayers by 
a good number of followers.  Sister Lata a middle aged lady formerly a 
Teacher by profession is enriched with biblical knowledge besides having 
abundant spiritual blessings.  With her holy and mellifluent tongue flowing 
with quotations and incidents from the Bible she turns the entire 
congregation spell bound.  In her preaching one can easily get lot of 
spiritual solace and knowledge too.  She is blessed with Christian Healing 
Power and this was proved by many. Being a teacher (professor) she is a well 
read woman travelled many parts of the world in preaching the word of God. 
The holy power of her prayers and rich literary knowledge can be experienced 
on Saturdays and Sundays at 7.00 p.m. It was here in the Vineyard Ministry 
on Thursday 30th May I had the previllege of listening to Pastor Don Pirozok 
preaching and seeing him performing Healing Services for the innumerable 
Christians who attended his Service.  It was surprising how the faithfuls 
flattened on the floor the moment he touched their heads and prayed over 
them.  I have seen such incidents earlier also when Sister Lata prayed over 
the faithfuls.  I have discussed this aspect with some priests and 
theologists to get proper explanation of this healing miracles but I got no 
proper reply.  These services are attended by many practicing Catholics as 
well. Last year a Goan Priest Fr. Salvador was invited by Catholic Church to 
preach in Kuwait  He was known in Goa at Siolim and elsewhere not only as a 
very good preacher but also a priest known to perform Healing Services which 
are very much required by the faithfuls.  For this reason Catholics and 
other Christians flooding to Potta and elsewhere for receiving Healing 
Services.  Unfortunately for many Catholics Fr. Salvador last year did not 
perform Healing Services openly but he announced in the Church that “Every 
Eucharistic Celebration is a Healing Service” which created no effect on 

During the Pakistani Urdu speaking service on Friday, the Pakistani Pastor 
spoke thus “though our two countries India and Pakistan are facing each 
other for the likely war on Kashmir border yet we are gathered here in this 
hall under one banner of Christianity.  It is Christianity that united us 
though in this congregation we have people from two countries India and 
Pakistan embracing one another but not opposing one another.  Let us all 
pray to God to save our countries and unite our countries under peaceful 
banner as we are united today here in this hall under Christian banner”.  It 
was very nice to observe how peoples from both India and Pakistan prayed to 
defuse the tension on the border.  In this Evangelical Church lot of world 
renown Gospel and Bible preachers are invited to preach the word of God in a 
manner totally different from the way regulars are preaching and they in 
turn create a very good impact on the minds and bodies of the believers.  
Last year another renowned Gospel preacher Rambabu from Andra/Bangalore came 
and preached the word of God to innumerable Christians. Rambabu a young 
preacher earlier as a Hindu fanatic was known to burn and kick the bible but 
finally himself got converted to Christianity and turned into a great 
Bible/Gospel  preacher.  When new faces are invited to preach the word of 
Lord then you feel more warmth in your Christian life otherwise with the 
same preachers throughout the year your spiritual life becomes monotonous.

In this area among the different Christian denominations lot of charitable 
and social work is conducted. Recently lot of Indians were recruited by fake 
recruiting agency and once they were in Kuwait all of them were thrown on 
the street without jobs and other amenities.  They then came to Indian 
Embassy but Embassy found it difficult to help them. Finally Embassy 
requested Indian associations, humanitarian and religious organizations to 
donate air tickets to these destitutes to repatriate them back to India.  By 
listening to this voice, Orthodox Church according to my information, 
donated 21 air tickets to this cause and thus alleviated the hardship of 
suffering people.  Such charitable activities are abundantly taking place in 
the Evangelical Church groups purely in a true Christian principle.  If all 
the Christian denominations combine and start helping their followers with 
greater degree, I am sure none of the Christians, leave aside Christians, 
even others will not face any problem.   If Christianity is practiced the 
way it is preached then I am sure all the sufferings on this planet will 
surely disappear.  Christianity is not for preaching only, it is also 
practicing.  But in reality, is it possible to practice Christianity in its 
true form as propounded and practiced by Jesus Christ? Is it possible for 
you to love your enemy?  Is it possible to give your other cheek too?  Or 
Christianity is a religion of impossible?

The prayer that is conducted to diffuse the Indo-Pak border tension should 
be carried forward by others too so that war is averted and people from 
India and Pakistan are treated with peaceful life.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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