"To Hell with You!"


Our discussion was interrupted by these loud exclamations at Mhambre's Bar.
At a table in the shadows was a rowdy looking gang of four arguing. They
were obviously first timers at Mhambre's Bar. The norm here has always been
polite discussions. Such loud voices and curse words were more often heard
at Dilip's Bar down the road.

I casually tilted my chair at such an angle that I could observe this rowdy
gang without seeming too obvious.

"You think we are first grade idiots!" 

"Stop barking like a dog!"

This was getting a bit too much. All other conversations at Mhambre's Bar
had stopped and this noisy table was the focus of all attention. Being a
long term client here I decided it was safe enough to interfere. Surely the
portly bar owner, Manoj, and some of the other drinkers would come to my
rescue if things got out of hand. And besides the four noisemakers were in
their early twenties and would surely respect my age.

"Hi there!" I said approaching their table with a broad smile. "Seems you
are having a bit of a problem here. Maybe I could help?"

"Uncle you please keep out of this. You will not understand" said the thin
one who had obviously consumed much more Urrack than his capacity. 

"But maybe he can help us decide" said another short stout guy who had on a
black T-Shirt with a blow-up of Bob Marley's face printed on it. "Please
sit down Uncle, and what can we offer you?", said he, pulling up a chair.

Not one to miss an opportunity I immediately ordered a half-quarter of
Royal Challenge Whisky, although I had been having the cheaper DSP Whisky
at my table. He who hesitates is lost - Teophil Mama always used to say. 

Comfortable settled with my Royal Challenge and a soda I was now the centre
of attention at their table. They introduced themselves most decently.
Gerald, Stanley, Desmond (he of the Bob Marley T-shirt) and Jerry (the well
Urrack-ed). Desmond was seemingly the most reasonable guy, and the least
drunk. He explained...

"See here Uncle. We are planning on starting a Rock Band. I play the
keyboards and do the main vocals. Gerald here has some good contacts in
starred hotels. Stanley's father is willing to sponsor our 'sound'. And
Jerry's family has a tempo that we can use to transport our gear..."

"Hold on a second" I said, "You mean other than you none of these guys play
any instruments?".

"Yes they all do. To some extent. But it does'nt really matter. I sequence
the music and control everything from my keyboard", explained Desmond.

"Then why don't you form a one-man-band yourself?", I asked

"Not much scope. The audience wants to see a 'live' band even if they are
obviously miming. Secondly I alone do not have the contacts and the 'sound'
and the transportation that goes into making a successful rock band"

"Oh!", I said, while secretly wondering if I could extend this converstaion
to another half-quarter of Royal Challenge. "So what is the argument about

"We ca'nt decide on a name for our rock band" said Stanley.

"What options have you examined so far?" I asked.

"Check" these out said Desmond.


"Overused", I opined.


"Very negative"

"BEBDE", Jerry threw in.

"Never!", everyone agreed. 

Manoj took this opportunity to refill everyone's glasses and I took the
liberty of ordering a good Kinley soda this time, instead of the local one
which I normally consume. As Teophil Mama said...
"ROSTAD", said Gerald who by now was approaching Jerry's state of drunkedness.

"What sort of name is that?", I asked.

"Not a name for the band.. I was just cursing Jerry here!"

"How about THE CURS?" I suggested. It could be read as an English
curseword, or as assistant parish preists, or as The CURSE without the 'E',
or as the CURSor which you use to sequence your music.

"I like it!" said Desmond.

"Me too!", said Stanley.

"I think we should stick to Jerry's original suggestion" said Gerald.

"What, may I ask is that?"



>Message: 12
>   Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 14:44:00 -0700 (PDT)
>   From: The Goan Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: A. Veronica Fernandes :  Goa Elections: VOTE FOR UPRIGHT


>Only a day is now remaining for the 30th May election
>of Goa.  Up to now besides Goa Su-raj Party none of
>the other parties contesting election in Goa has
>declared their real intention on defection.  

>Neither the independents.  That means they all when
>given an opportunity will surely defect by saying to
>their voters “To Hell With You”. These candidates and
>their parties are under the impression that Goan
>voters are nothing but idiots of first grade.  All the
>defectors finally turn Goan voters as “chutiya” and if
>Goan voters are not so then they will surely refrain
>from voting for frequent defectors, candidates of
>those parties so far not uttered a single word against
>defection and also independent candidates who so far
>not aired their view on defection. 

>During this time in this part of the world lot of
>interest has been generating about this election but
>still lot was expected from our people majority of
>whom believe in the motto “Bhor ga potta ani sor ga
>dissa”.  We have been organising our soccer matches
>and soccer final so also Milagres Saibinnichem Fest in
>grand scale.  I attended all the events but hardly I
>found there among the hundreds of people even thinking
>of their Goa on 30th of this month.   

>When I said Hi to one of my acquaintances he retorted
>thus “A-R-E Veronica, tunch re ekloch Sunnea baxen
>kiteak bonktai ani tujo boro vell vibaddtai?”  When I
>asked him why he said like this, he replied
>immediately “Te Rostad politicians mure, tankam sodd
>toxech, korundi tankam kitem zai tem. Currption ­
>defection ­ sex scandal tanchea jivitacho ek bhag ani
>hem tanchem sonvoier poddlam”.  

>By listening to this I was not surprised but reflected
>very hard how people are dejected with our current
>politicians in Goa.  Then I spoke thus “ A-R-E mojea
>Goykar bava, ami poile vhoddle Rostad kiteak ami amcho
>kaido sarko korinant mhonn.  Zor bore munis fuddem
>soron cholvoll keloli zalear Rostad vechnunkank ubech

>ravpache nhoi aslet”.  

>The good point of Rostad is that when good people are
>reluctant to do something good when they can, Rostad
>people sprint to do the same thereby winning the
>goodwill of the masses and for masses their immediate
>needs are more important.  This is weak point of the
>so called good people who will do nothing but only
>talk and bark and criticize the Rostad. 

>Now as per my information lot of Goans from this part
>of the World have communicated to their nearest and
>dearest in Goa not to vote for Rostad candidates, not
>to vote for communals, not to vote for frequent
>defectors and currupt.  Thru this I feel lot of
>awakening has been done though not to the extent it
>was expected.  

>Still there is one full day for our people to advise
>their family members and friends and relatives in Goa
>whom to vote rightly and whom not to vote.  One thing
>has to be borne in mind, voting for defectors means
>surely wasting your vote because these frequent
>defectors will surely defect once again.  Hence,
>beware of defectors. 

>In the past the crook, communal, corrupt and defector
>candidates made use of their money power to shower the
>voters on the eve of the election with “pott bhor sur”
>and turn them in their favour.  This type of “Bebdes”
>are innumerable in Goa who at the last minute change
>their minds.  Very many of them are practicing

>Our Pe. Vigars and Pe. Curs in the Churches should
>preach on this defect.  They must also tell the voters
>not to refrain from voting, if one is bad the other
>will be less bad and so on but they must cast their
>votes.   Our Young girls must also take a lead to cast
>their votes because very many of them feel shy that
>their age will be disclosed.  This is rubbish.  Nobody
>should feel shy to do her duty. 



>A. Veronica Fernandes, 


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World famous all over Goa!

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