Dress code appeal wears badly with women
By Robin Fernandez

KARACHI: An advisory issued by the city's biggest church on the prescribed
attire and appearance of worshippers has received a lukewarm response from
church-goers here some of whom question the merits of the dress code."Ask
yourself what you should wear when you come to the house of the 
Lord," said Fr Joe D'Mello, supplementing a short notice in St Patrick 
Cathedral's Sunday service leaflet. 

To the credit of the cathedral's prelates the question was, at first,
open-ended and its subtlety guaranteed more than passing adherence. But
within weeks it became clear that the church notice was aimed particularly
at women who wore allegedly revealing clothes. Among the first to be cited
for indecent exposure were young brides and their maids of honour. 

They were publicly admonished over their choice of attire, and if that was
not enough more unsolicited advice poured forth from the pulpit for
would-be brides. 

"Please be careful about the kind of bridal wear you choose. Make sure it
it's not revealing," the priest in carge was quoted as telling women
preparing for marriage. 

A similar note of caution was struck in the cathedral in recent
weeks. Older men and women feel that it is time a dress code is enforced
in Pakistani churches but most young women bristle with rage at the 

"It's not as if women here are wearing strapless gowns and are going
around in see-through clothes. How many women wear mini-dresses to
church, anyway?" asked a flight attendent icily. "I'd like to quote an
enlightened Muslim girl who told her conservative fiance that purdah (the
act of covering one's head and body) is in the mind, not in the eyes."
"Since the church earlier left it to the people to decide what is or isn't  
decent attire, it is not fair to talk of a dress code now," complained a  
female choir member. Much of the criticism about female dress may also be

The national dress of Pakistan (shalwar kamez) is suitably modest and
chic, and most Christian women aged between 16 and 45 consider it a fair
alternative, if not first choice wear, to Western-style clothes. 

Older generations of women, however, find the dress cumbersome and
culturally alien, though their daughters and younger siblings have no
such qualms. "Whether it is office workers or secretaries, sales reps or
teachers the use of shalwar kameez has become more pervasive among women
today," said an old female secretary who first took to wearing shalwar
kameez 35 years ago.

Apparently it is the skimpier versions of Western-style clothing that has
prompted the church appeal for a dress code. Young women acknowledge that
there probably are few breaches of the unwritten yetwell-defined rules of
female modesty, but these are too few to be counted. "In any case women
do know how far to go," said a twentysomething teacher candidly.

The idea of a dress code for church-goers has not been rejected
altogether but many people insist that the code be applicable to both
males and females instead of being gender-specific. 

"Men can be sloppy dressers too," said a young bank worker."Modesty in
clothing is a desirable goal. We should not show any disrespect to God by
wearing indecent clothes. However the church should allow men and women
themselves to determine what the criteria of modesty is," said a male
marketing executive. "While the phrase Sunday bes

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