The speech of the Prime Minister last Friday at the public meeting in Goa
might have suited a VHP activist or a Bajrang Dal ideologue but never the
Prime Minister of India.  

Such a rabid and communal speech was never before made by any Prime
Minister of this country.  The appeal of the BJP National Executive to
sectarian consolidation was obviously intended to cover up the miserable
performance of the Union Government and of the Governments in the four
States including Goa, which the BJP still controls.  

The policies of the Union Government have created an unprecedented
situation with social unrest everywhere and an economic crisis with fall
in the growth rate, increasing unemployment and a sharp erosion in the
standard of life of the vast majority of our people.  In Gujarat itself,
economic activity has come to a standstill.  

There was a 70% drop in the commercial transactions in that State during
the last month of March.  Gujarat was considered one of the most
attractive destinations for investment.  That perception is now lost due
to instability and turmoil created by the present State Government.  

The people of Goa will undoubtedly see through the deadly game of the
Sangh Parivar and at the next Assembly elections, inflict a resounding
defeat on the forces of hatred and communal confrontation which the BJP


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