Madam Margaret,

                               You write well and I enjoyed your posting. I 
would however like to add that fractured assemblies are common and I will 
give you some examples. In Germany the ruling party, the Socialists under 
Helmut Schroeder rule with the help of the Greens who have garnered a plum 
ministry namely that of the Min. of Foreign Affairs, Josca Fischer. In France 
Chirac governed till before the Assembly elections held on the 9th. of this 
month with those of the centre left though Chirac belongs to the centre 
right. The efficient Prime minister was from the Socialists.

       In politics, absolute power corrupts absolutely and it is evident that 
Bhandodkar, Rane and Sashikala Kakodkar had absolute powers and passed laws 
unopposed like say the mundcar act. Many of these mundcars do not possess 
titles to the house but act like the owners. I compare these to a gardeners 
dog who does not eat cabbages and will not let others do so. Try this for a 

        Not possessing titles and having no capital, they are unable to 
secure loans from banks thereby stiffling the economic growth of Goa. Those 
who invest are those that have profitted from the system like those Miners 
(Dempe, Salgaonkar, CMM and all), and those NRI's that earn their money 
abroad and invest in Goa. 

         I wonder if you are aware that I was defrauded by the Centurion Bank 
in Mapuca who helped a Parsi Chartered Accountant to forge, withdraw money 
using my Fixed Deposit receipt. Even money from my savings account was not 
spared as the CA was paid from this account using a plain note with my forged 
signiture. I complained to the police who sat on the matter ....... Why am I 
writing all this when I can send you a cutting of the incident. Parrikar was 
decent and asked the police to get cracking. The BM was arrested. I have seen 
the roads in Goa under Parrikar's watch. He is a technocrat and ought to be 

      What does it matter to us if the cat is black (BJP) or white (Congress) 
provided it catches the mouse and is efficient. The BJ has been the most 
efficient government even though they formed a coalition. If Parrikar is 
secure in his Chief Ministership, I am certain that Goa will see more 
progress than we have seen since Goa was liberated. Mark my word.

    Edgar Martins  
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