In a message dated 05/22/2002 10:26:23 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Paddy - Great survey.  BUT...
 How do you define RELIGION for the purposes of this survey?  It might help 
people to answer if they
 knew EXACTLY what you mean.
 (definitely FOR religion) >>

Hi VivIiana:

Thanks for your vote, Viv :-)

It was the first, in hopefully many more to follow, "FOR RELIGION" votes. Of 
course, mine is the second FOR!

My American Heritage Dictionary defines 'religion' as: "1. expression of 
(wo)man's belief in and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the 
creator and governor of the universe. 2. Any particular integrated system of 
this expression: the Hindu religion. 3. The spiritual or emotional attitude 
of one who recognizes the existence of a superhuman power or powers........"

As I see it, religion is the ladder, link or stairway to God, deities or 
power-source. For anyone believing in God, religion serves as the channel or 
medium for devotion and discipline.

In contrast with "no religion," or if all in India gave up their religion, as 
was last advocated, there would be total anarchy and chaos. 

We'd be like a bunch of sheep without a shepherd -- left to the mercy of 
vultures and wolverines.

PLEASE VOTE -- on GOANET by May 31, and at the polls for GOA ELECTIONS!

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