What's On In Goa:
* Oct 16-17: Ornithology workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim


Kuwait Konknni Kendr successfully organized one of the best Konkani Shows 
ever staged in Kuwait on 11th of this month at Hotel Fakher Al-Deen Hotel, 
Kuwait City starting at 4.30 p.m.  The show was well attended by the 
attendees who enjoyed it in its totality. Never ever before such a show was 
staged in Kuwait as per overwhelming majority of the audience, so much so 
even after the final curtain was down the audience still remained seated as 
if they are magnetized to their chairs as final item the operatta was most 
exiting.  No doubt every item was perfomed well yet the main story " Dev 
Pavta"  by Rosary Ferns was excellent based on two maids while the Operatta 
and Mando/Dulpod also by Rosary Ferns were excellent.  The Mando/Dulpod 
which was original composed by Rosary Ferns not only sung well but also 
presented beautifully with rich traditional costumes. Querobina Carvalho the 
well known stage artiste first time in her life rendered Mando as a lead 
singer along with Sanny de Quepem and brought extra flaour to this item with 
her beautiful voice.  The others who sang this mando were Mario Rebello, 
Goretti, Conchita, Sandra, Bernard and Marcus Vaz.  Operatta was prepared on 
the olden but golden songs of yesteryears artistes. The first song itself of 
legendary Minguel Rod “Bhoinni Zobor Maka Bhogta Dukh – Vhadon Veta mhonnon 
dothiche rukh” caught the attention of the audience and it was ended with a 
Mando “Janerak Kazar Mhonn Sangtaloi”.  By selecting best of the oldies 
Rosary created a very good story in which Querobina again played a major and 
very attractive role.  Some of the others who were admired by the audience 
were Marcos Vaz, Jane, Manuel de Santacruz, Domnick Araujo and both the 
visiting artistes C. D’Silva and Ben Evangelisto as “Garamae”.  In the main 
play “Dev Pavta” renowned artiste Donald did his role well so too the center 
of the attraction of the show Querobina.  The others who captured the 
attention of the audience were pretty Sandra as one of the maids and Bernard 
as a Kuwaiti. The other interesting items were solos by Marcus Vas, Ben 
Evangelist, Michael D’Silva and C. D’Silva who all were admired by the 
audience.  Among the solo singers Marcos Vaz dazzled the audience more than 
everyone followed by Ben Evangelisto as Michael Jackson. Besides, the solos 
of Sanny de Quepem, Querobina, Rosary Fens, Francis De Verna, Bab Agnelo and 
Tony de Pomburpa created good impact, so too the duet of Donald and Jane.  
Anthony Car and his troupe consisting of Jane, Sandra and Domnick Auraujo 
perfomed Kunbi Dance/Song which also created glittering effect on the show.  
  One of the items that captured the hearts of the people was the beautiful 
dance performed by Joyoti and Sudi while Jasmine and Ronny rendered the 
accompaniment song.  Jyoti the lovely young girl from Mangalore  and her 
handsome partner Sudi who are running the Bellarine Dance Academy in Kuwait 
delighted the audience with their excellent performance which had a great 
professional touch.  Young Conchita and her troupe also performed a dance.

In the comedy role, both the visiting artistes C. D’Silva and Ben 
Evangelisto popularly known as Goan “Garamae” produced peals of laughter in 
the hall.  After the show they were showered with abundant praises by the 
audience for the excellent performance they performed.  Rarely such an 
occasion they got together to perform in Goa but Kuwait audience were very 
fortunate to have such an opportunity.  Their way of dressing, speaking and 
singing really brought back the nostalgic feeling of Old “Garamae”.  The 
excellent musical score was provided by Shahu, Dennis, Tony and Rafiq.  
During the show special snacks were also served for the audience. Rosary 
Ferns the director of the show and KKK are to be complimented for staging 
such a wonderful show.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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