Headline: No break from caring
By: Claire Snook
Source: Bristol Evening Post. 2 August 2002 at:

Two Rotary members were inspired to raise money for Indian orphans while on
holiday in far-flung destination.

John and Jean Moore from the Rotary Club of Avonmouth were staying in Goa
when they found a leaflet on El Shaddai children's homes in the area.

They are run by Englishwoman Anita Edgar who they met when they visited the
local flea market and found her selling bric a brac donated to her by

Anita had originally come to Goa as a tourist but when she saw the plight of
the children with no homes or food she decided to make it her life's work to
help them after speaking to her local pastor.

She came back to Britain, registered as a charity and rented a house in Goa
where Anita began to take in children, both orphans and those from families
who are unable to feed or look after them.

Access to the children is freely granted to the children for relatives, and
help is often given to the families themselves.

Her work has meant the children are well fed, housed, clothed, educated, and
more importantly, they are registered for birth so they officially exist
within the system. Anita spends six months of the year in Goa and six months
trying to raise funds and get volunteers for the homes.

When Jean and John first met the children three years ago, Anita had two
homes in El Shaddai.

Their first impression was being overwhelmed by the children who were
obviously very happy, even though furnishings were spartan.

They found the children were learning both English and Indian {sic] and were
well-looked after by staff and volunteers who the children adored.

Jean and John wanted to get involved and were presented with a long list of
necessities, with a 32 seater mini bus at the top of the requirement list.

Their club in Avomouth agreed to help raise the money for a bus and three
years later the club has managed to get the GBP 12,000 needed.

Anita has visited the club three times over the past three years and was so
impressed by the work they do, she has joined an Indian Rotary Club.

John and Jean will be visiting the homes later this year to see how the
money raised has affected the children's lives.
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