May 30th  will not just be the Election Day for Goa.  Also, it will not be
just another Goa Statehood day. It will be remembered as the day when Goans
bid Adieus to Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and his communal and casteist
BJP.  Goans will initiate the process of restoring the invaluable secular
identity of this tiny State of ours.

Unlike other farewells this will be a joyous one because enough tears have
been shed by the saffronisation and mal-administration let loose by the BJP
during their short stint of 17 months.

Mr. Parrikar deceived his own cabinet colleagues when he unilaterally
decided to dissolve the assembly on February 27th. He might have been able
to take his cabinet colleagues for a ride but 30th May will prove that
though all Goans are not IITs,  they have the wisdom to see through the evil
designs of Manohar Parrikar, the RSS strongman who shares the same ideology
as that of his Gujarat counterpart  Narendra Modi.

We all know the value of Mr. Parrikar's promises. His U-turns on almost
every issue only proves the political bankruptcy of the Chief Minister and
his fundamentalist BJP.

His latest stunt of promising a small cabinet if re-elected has come a bit
late. Why did he not do this when he formed the Government 17 months ago? He
told Goans that he needed a jumbo cabinet due to "Political compulsions." In
fact during his regime he has created many new Corporations to
accommodate the saffrons  and his own clan.  So who are you trying to
hoodwink, Mr Chief Minister?

In the last 17 months he has worked overtime saffronising the whole
administration, which as planned, is now at election time  being misused. He
will  also be remembered as a Chief Minister who corrupted the independence
of the Press by lubricating a section of it.

Mr Parrikar hopes that he will sneak back into power with the division of
votes by the so many independent and some other candidates planted and
funded by the BJP.

The shrewd Goan citizen has realised that voting for these parties and
independent candidates will only allow the BJP to bulldoze their agenda by
splitting the precious votes as they hoped.

Besides,  the independents and the small groups will re-align and change
sides once elected on the pretext of the development of their constituency.
So the Goans will give a clear mandate to a Secular party to put this State
back on track.

The Congress has some corrupt elements but it is hoped that the Party's
secular ideology will ensure that the mistakes of the past are  not

The Goans have two choices. A communal, casteist and corrupt BJP or a
secular, egalitarian  and rather corrupt Congress. Since one has to select
between the two evils, the latter is the obvious choice.

On 30th May in exercising their franchise,  Goans will be charge-sheeting
the BJP and its Maestro. The trial has to start in right earnest.  Justice
will prevail.

Aires Rodrigues

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