We are all talking about soon to come "GOA DAY" and  " WORLD  GOAN  HERITAGE
DAY " And praise the Lord that we goans have embarked on such a serious
mission. Goa can only benefit from this extravaganza.

And we have talked about wining and dining, its merits and de-merits. We
have talked about "sannas & sorpotel" We have talked about fund raising for
supporting needy Goans in Goa.

We have talked about preserving our heritage temples and churches and forts
and monuments. We have talked about cussing and being  cussed. We have
talked about the MCs of crab mentalities, where,  as far as Goa is
concerned,  "Kul'leamchem xhek-xhek" (crab dish) will never run short in our
goan Kundlins (pots).

We have talked about the rip-offs that has been taking place in Goa by our
very own goans. We have talked about the millions of rupees of NRI funds
repatriated to Goa by NRI goans, goan merchant mariners/sailors, gulf goans
et al. We have talked about preserving goan Tiatrs, Mandos and Dulpods. We
have talked about preserving and saving Goa's environment and ecology. We
have talked about how Goa's agriculture has been destroyed to be replaced by
concrete jungles. We have talked about how every new Official Gazette
notification eats up on our agricultural lands.

We have talked about Alibabas and the 40 thieves, of open pockets which
never fill,   and secret (Swiss) bank accounts that will never be emptied.
We have talked about the massively polluting plants like META STRIPS, ZACL
and numerous others. We have talked about River Princess,  and its affinity
for the Candolim beach. We have talked about the saffronisation in Goa. We
have talked about the harassment of minority educational institutions by the
Education Department.

We have talked about panchayats and municipalities being the training
grounds for crooks and Alibabas of the future, a breed,  thousand times
worse than their patrons. We have talked about deforestation and its direct
effects on rains in Goa. We have talked about future drying up of our age
old Mandovi river due to diverting of Madei waters by Karnataka for their
own selfish use.

We have talked about goan elections which are a shame to democracy.  We have
talked about how our government administration is thriving on graft and
favours. We have talked about  how our government departments, with the only
exception being our Adilshah Palace in Panjim  and the new Assembly Complex
at Porvorim, have become hawker's paradise. We have talked about our
stinking and un-hygienic  goan markets, its half rotten, unfit for human
consumption,  so called fresh meats. We have talked about our Food & Drug
administration which perpetually slumbers while people fall ill  and crowd
the hospitals and  clinics and help swell the doctors' bank accounts as well
as  help bring more and more pharmacies in our towns and cities.

We have talked about goan roads that are moonscapes, perpetually in dug out
condition with gutters being the burial places for water pipes and telephone
cables. We have talked about the dadagiri of the fishing trawler lobby and
its  direct nexus with the government and their combined scorn for the

 We have talked about non-planning of our towns and cities. We have talked
about mining rejects silting whatever is left of our rivers when it is not
used to cover and claim government lands. And we have talked about the
preoccupation of our MLAs about winning the next election no sooner they
have won the present one. Their entire work is concentrated in  pampering
the voters to achieve  that goal.  We have talked about how jobs, however
lowly, are brokered from the secretariat, for that is the only job  our
elected representatives are good for.

We have talked about how a single brain of a single CM is expected to
convert Goa into the  paradise which all goans dream about.  We have talked
about government policies that are dependent on the whims and fancies of
temporary people occupying temporary posts.  We have talked about how the
police is lining its pockets through its golden nexus with the crooks and
criminals. We have talked about worst crooks getting bail due to doctored
chargesheets by the police and eventually going scot free.

We have talked about our government  corporations being gifted to favour
brokers, to do with them what they like. We have talked about goan
government canteen contracts going to Biharis. We have talked about
industries preferring out of state labour to goan labour.. We have talked
about our health services and health institutions going backwards instead of
forward. And we have talked about goans selling their properties to the
highest bidders and running away to foreign lands.

And we have talked about this, that and everything and we can talk about
zillion things that have happened to Goa and Goans from the time of Dayanand
Bandodkar to the present time of  Manohar Parrikar. And we shall be able to
talk about another zillion things that will have made goans run away from
Goa to be replaced by Kanadigas, Oriyas, Madrasis, Keralite, Kasmiris,
Biharis and Marathas, ofcourse, who are home grown.

And we know our goans very well.  They never stop thinking about their dear
motherland Goa from wherever they may be. But this has never resulted in
uniting  them for Goa's sake. And without goans getting  to sit down
together, wining and dining, and getting  to know each other first, it would
be  a daunting task for them to get to know Goa any better.  And the
question of raising funds becomes  secondary to the question of goan unity.
Funds have been raised before on umpteen occasions for umpteen reasons but
the only beneficiaries have been the  alibabas who roost the nests in Goa.
Collecting funds would be a simple task if goans can muster unity,  identify
the heads that needs to be chopped and then go about shopping for the
swords, nives and daggers that will be most suited to accomplish the jobs.
And if goans know any better, the first casualty must be the "Goan politics
of oppornutism"

What Rene Baretto has embarked upon  and what he has accomplished so far,
is to be well appreciated and commended by every goan, without exception.
This is the beginning of  the " thinking " on the right track, and,  goans
must realize that this is only the tiny root. If this tiny root is to  grow
into the giant banyan tree of goan unity, then,  this root be better be
planted in the soil rich in dedication and self-sacrifice. Let  us goans  be
the ANTS  that are needed to build a new Goa. Let us goans not be the
TERMITES that have perennially eaten away the fair chances for our  Goa and

Rene Baretto, I salute you.


(Note: This issue is specially dedicated to Rene Baretto for his hard and
committed  work to bring about Goan Unity. This issue is also my
acknowledgement to my good friend and valuable critique Cecil Pinto for his
invaluable  advice. Thank you Cecil)

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