Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network
I wish to salute the people of Cortalim constituency for electing
well-known social activist Mathany Saldanha to the Goa assembly
in the just concluded elections. In doing so, they have also dumped
one of Goa's most corrupt politicians Mauvin Godinho and taught him
a good lesson for his indiscriminate looting of public funds
and for espousing the cause of non-Goans more than Goans.

No doubt his major votes came from them and so it was also not
surprising that most of the speakers at his campaign meetings
were hired from Kerala and Karnataka. Perhaps he can try his luck
in elections in those States now.

It is an irony that a man has made so many sacrifices in the last 26-27 years
while championing the cause of Goan society, had to wait for so many years
to make it to the assembly.

Mathany Saldanha is a man who has fought so much for the social causes
and against injustice done to Goans that one has lost count
of the number of times he was arrested by the government
to suppress his powerful voice.

Mathany who began his struggle with the issue of ramponkars
later went to fight against anti-people policies and other
anti-environment programmes of the successive governments.
He is a learned man who knows what he speaks,
who takes up each issue on its merits and does not discriminate
on the bases of caste or religion.

He is not in politics for the sake of cheap popularity which most of our 
semi-literate politicians yearn for, but the only thing that matters to him
is the well-planned and ecologically sound development of Goa.
And who can ever forget Mathany's role in securing
the status of official language to Konkani.

Here is a man who has a vision for the all round development of Goa
and is not into politics for personal gains unlike the general breed
of Goan politicians. Mathany Saldanha is like a shining beacon
in the filthy world of Goans politics.

Thank God, now at least we have an MLA who is not afraid
to speak out his mind without the fear of losing his office.
Every Goenkar should be proud of him and should support him
in all his endeavours. Mathany, we consider you to be the leader
of not only Cortalim, but you represent the bold voice of the silent majority
of Goans who are desperately waiting for a clean and dedicated politician 
like you.

All Goenkars are strongly behind you.

Frankie Fernandes
Salvador do Mundo, Bardez
Vox Populi in HERALD  10/6/2002       Page  6

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