Dear GoaNetters: 

Early this month, during one of my idle moments, I stumbled upon the subject 
"goannonresident group" Yahoo! Groups site and signed up online as the sixth 
member of the "goannonresidents" Yahoogroups on July 3, 2002: 

"This is a group for Goans who are not resident in Goa or worldwide Goans to 
discuss Goan issues and perhaps to help some Goans living in Goa to get a job 
abroad if possible."  
Yahoo! ID                      Email Address                Joined 

< Not available             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 7/7/2001 

goaworldtoday                [EMAIL PROTECTED]         3/15/2002 

joank112                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]                7/1/2002 
     Joan K (21/F)          

lasviegas  *                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 7/7/2001 

patdesousa                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]          7/3/2002 

(F) = sex of goawoldtoday (self-proclaimed moderator/s), signed up Mar. 15, 02
            and joank112, signed up  Jul. 1, 02 
(M) = sex of lasviegas *Moderator; and patdesousa, that's me, joined Jul. 3, 

Note: goanet and lasviegas, the listed Moderator, signed up on 7/7/01. One 
member since unsubscribed. 

I am sorry for holding you'll captive in the silly drama played out during 
the first two weeks of July and provide the above background information so 
that all you intelligent Netters may come to a just conclusion based upon 
informed facts. 

Following this e-mail is a sequence of postings and the baseless escalation 
by dubitable Moderator(s). 

The most unfortunate part of this entire episode, is the skillful and sly 
by some loudmouths from other goon forums. They revel in selectively splicing 
remarks from Goanet or other posts, and routinely playing out their games 
against others -- thus denigrating and slandering people behind their backs 

It is a pity that rival groups are permitted to snoop, exploit and blemish 
the reputation of people who post on Goanet, etc., with impunity. They 
selectively scoop saucy bits and pieces and cross-post disparagingly :( 

These despicable practices are a source of disdain for people from other 
forums who just cannot mind their own business and learn to live and let live.

Pat de Sousa 
Maryland, USA


Time-lines of "goannonresidents group" postings:

1. My first posting to NRG:
In a message dated 7/3/2002 10:23:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Independence Day Greetings to all, especially those in the United States of 
............... God Bless America.


2. My second posting to NRG:
Subj:   RISE UP NR GOANS    
Date:   7/4/2002    
To: <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>
This Sunday, the group will be TWO YEARS young :)

And, there were only two postings -- one this month and one in June :(

Can I challenge you ALL, especially the Moderator, to do their best?

Even if each of us attempted two postings a month, there'll be a baker's 
dozen by July 7, 2003!

Any takers?

God Bless:


3. Goaworld's brash response:
Subj:    [goannonresidents] Re: RISE UP NR GOANS
Date:   07/08/2002 3:59:28 AM EST
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (goaworldtoday)
Reply-to:   <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>

You seem to be acting too smart?
What are you upto?

List moderator
4. My response to the List Moderator:
Subj:    Re: [goannonresidents] Re: RISE UP NR GOANS
Date:   07/08/2002 11:39:05 PM EST

Why don't you reveal your name, as the List Moderator?

The yahoogroups site lists the list moderator listed as Las Viegas.

Will you have the courtesy of explaining how I was "acting too smart?"

What do you think I am up to? I have communicated in plain English.

5. My follow-up to #4"
Subj:    [Goanet] [goannonresidents] Re: RISE UP NR GOANS
Date:   07/11/2002 2:29:45 AM EST
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (patdesousa)
Reply-to:   <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "goaworldtoday" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> You seem to be acting too smart?
> What are you upto?
> List moderator

A response was posted by me to the above, but the goaworldtoday list 
moderator has still not come out in the open and disclosed her/his 
name or had the courtesy to respond :(

Who's acting SMART NOW?

Why can't the Goaworldtoday "List moderator" respond?

It is senseless to make brash statements and then recoil as a 
nameless person alleging to be the List Moderator :(

Is this some new Goaworldtoday List Moderator's Tactic?

5. Goaworld's name-calling, Moderator becomes "Moderators" - I am copied 
Subj:    Re: [goannonresidents] Re: RISE UP NR GOANS
Date:   07/11/2002 3:52:31 AM EST

Pat or Bat,

What's the connection with goanet with your response?
How did your response land there?

List Moderators 
6. My unanswered rebuttal to goaworldtoday, profiled as female with 
Subj:    [Goanet] Re: [goannonresidents] Re: RISE UP NR GOANS
Date:   07/11/2002 4:52:32 PM EST
Reply-to:   <A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>

In a message dated 07/11/2002 3:52:51 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Pat or Bat,
 What's the connection with goanet with your response?
 How did your response land there?
 List Moderators  >>

Dear Ms. Goaworldtoday:

Out of respect for ladies, I will not resort to name calling as you've chosen 
to :(

I don't know who you are, but my name is Pat -- I am NOT BAT. I ain't a 
nameless character like you.

Since you deliberately choose to remain nameless and have not responded to my 
questions, I will not dignify you with a response.

However, I am also sending this to the GoaNet Admin. Team for disposition.

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA
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