goanet-digest         Tuesday, April 16 2002         Volume 01 : Number 3842

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Vajpayee's speech at Goa
    [Goanet] The charges against goaworld/gaspar
    [Goanet] Marlon, keep it up    KEEP FABRICATING THREATS 
    [Goanet] Marlon, keep it up    KEEP FABRICATING THREATS 
    [Goanet] The arrest of Fred Noronha

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 00:43:23 -0600 (MDT)
From: Shalini Gera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Vajpayee's speech at Goa


Some of us here on the West coast have drafted the
following letter in response to Vajpayee's speech
at Goa, and the BJP executive's call for fresh
elections in Gujarat.  This is intended for the print
media in India, especially the vernacular press.

IF you would like to sign onto it, please send me an email
with your name (with as many pompous titles and affiliations
as possible) and your city of residence.  Time is of essence,
so please do it soon.  If you can help with translation into
any other Indian language PLEASE send me email asap.

All other suggestions welcome also.

Thanks, shalini ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

NRIs condemn Vajpayee's statement,
demand action from election commissioner

We, the undersigned groups and individuals representing
Non Resident Indians and People of Indian Origin living
outside India, strongly condemn Mr. Vajpayee's speech
at the BJP convention in Goa and the BJP's decision to
dissolve the Gujarat assembly and seek mid-term elections.

Mr. Vajpayee's speech is both factually wrong and
misleading.  Coming from one who holds the Prime
Minister's office in the largest democracy in the
world, it is shocking in its intolerant attitude
and divisive rhetoric.  Mr. Vajpayee attempts to
hold an entire community--nay, an entire religion--
responsible for the reprehensible acts of a few at
Godhra!  This is an outrageous ploy to divert
attention from the failure of the BJP government
in preventing the attack at Godhra and the subsequent
criminal behavior of the Sangh Parivar in Gujarat.

Mr. Vajpayee's attacks on 'fundamentalist Islam' while
glorifying the tolerant and secular aspects of Hinduism
constitute an abominable attempt to vitiate and divide
the multicultural and multireligious India that we are
proud of.  All religions fundamentally teach peace
and tolerance, and unfortunately, each also has bloodthirsty
savages amongst its practitioners.  It takes a sick and twisted
mind to selectively negate the good in one religion
and ignore the evils of another.  All violent religious
fanatics deserve our condemnation--be they the so-called
Islamic jehadis in Kashmir or the vicious creatures in
Gujarat who butcher children while chanting 'Jai Shri Ram'.

We also reject the decision by the BJP to dissolve the
Gujarat assembly.  In this time of an ongoing monumental
disaster in Gujarat, it is imperative to channel all
public and private resources into rebuilding shattered
lives and repairing a fractured civil society, starting,
at a minimum with the rehabilitation of all victims and
the reestablishment of trust between all communities and
residents.  Calling for elections in the current communally
charged atmosphere is absurd and is guaranteed to further
fracture Gujarat.

How can there be free and fair elections when a large
portion of Gujarat's citizenry is living in dread and
fear and will be effectively disenfranchised if elections
are held under such conditions.

We call upon all political parties including the allies
of the BJP in the centre as well as those in the Opposition
and upon the Election Commission of India to not allow the
mid-term election farce proposed by the BJP, at least until
the situation in Gujarat improves to a level where all
people living in Gujarat can exercise their franchise without
fear.  At the same time we recognize the complete failure of
the Gujarat government in maintaining law and order and seek
the dismissal of the Modi government.

We, the NRIs and People of Indian Origin living outside
India, recognize our responsibility towards India and
seek to participate in its economic as well as social
development.  We have continually strived to provide all
assistance to India in every way, from aiding Indian
ventures abroad and in India, to championing Indian causes
in the legislatures of the countries we reside in.

It is in this role as active participants of the Indian
diaspora that we call upon all political parties and
government officials in India to reject the politics
of hate and to actively embrace and defend the tolerant
and secular sentiments enshrined in the Indian constitution
that they are sworn to uphold.


Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 00:01:16 -0700
From: Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] The charges against goaworld/gaspar

I am sorry the netters have had to suffer through the cheap shots that
have been taking place lately on this forum.

Until the recent torrent of attacks initiated by the duo from goaworld,
we have had no issues co-existing peacefully. Perhaps the commercial and
non-commerical success of GOACOM has resulted in them concluding that
GOACOM is somehow a threat to goaworld. 

The attacks by goaworld on us and goanet clearly preceed ANY counter
statements we have made in response to them and are clearly archived on
this list. If ANYONE can prove otherwise, I will be the first to
apologize to them with no reservations whatsoever. 

The fraudulent statments by Gaspar Almeida and Ulysses are as follows:

1) Gaspar made a blatant lie about goacom.com getting funding from
Agnelo Gomes. Agnelo has already released a statement clearing this lie
made by Gaspar.

2) Gaspar has accused the respected journalist Fred Noronha of having a
role in goa today coming onto goacom.com. The folks at Goa Today have
been kind enough to clear this lie by Gaspar.

3) Gaspar Almedia launched attacks against individuals using a phony
alias in order to mask his identity. Unfortunately for him, it was
tracked to his computer by his static-IP address. Gaspar countered that
argument by stating that someone else used his computer. However, on
many ocassions when he launched the attacks, he forgot to delete he
personal profile/footer that identified him as the user.

4) Gaspar has alleged irregularities and failures in Goa Sudharop's fund
raising activities. Ulysses has also clearly stated that Fred Noronha
has personally benefited from the computers that were meant for the goan
schools. This is a VERY SERIOUS charge for if correct, involves a
significant breach of several central and state government laws - by Goa
Sudharop, the Computer for Goa team and Fred Noronha.  Unfortunately for
them, the team in Goa, in conjuction with the Goa dept of Education and
the recipient schools have every donated computer fully accounted for.

5) Ulysses has stated that Fred Noronha is under GOACOM's payrole. Our
tax records and our independentally audited financial statments will, in
a court of law, show that Fred Noronha has not received a single paise
from GOACOM. 

These charges by them are quite serious and can result in very serious
legal consequences. I am very confident of this. They have set
themselves up on a collision course with the law. 



Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 12:38:10 +0500 (IST)
Subject: [Goanet] Marlon, keep it up    KEEP FABRICATING THREATS 

From:  Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date:  Mon Apr 15, 2002  12:01 am
Subject:  [Goanet] The charges against goaworld/gaspar

I am sorry the netters have had to suffer through the cheap shots that have been 
taking place lately on this forum.

Until the recent torrent of attacks initiated by the duo from goaworld, we have had no 
issues co-existing peacefully. Perhaps the commercial and non-commerical success of 
GOACOM has resulted in them concluding that
GOACOM is somehow a threat to goaworld. 

The attacks by goaworld on us and goanet clearly preceed ANY counter statements we 
have made in response to them and are clearly archived on this list. If ANYONE can 
prove otherwise, I will be the first to apologize to them with no reservations 


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Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 12:38:10 +0500 (IST)
Subject: [Goanet] Marlon, keep it up    KEEP FABRICATING THREATS 

From:  Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date:  Mon Apr 15, 2002  12:01 am
Subject:  [Goanet] The charges against goaworld/gaspar

I am sorry the netters have had to suffer through the cheap shots that have been 
taking place lately on this forum.

Until the recent torrent of attacks initiated by the duo from goaworld, we have had no 
issues co-existing peacefully. Perhaps the commercial and non-commerical success of 
GOACOM has resulted in them concluding that
GOACOM is somehow a threat to goaworld. 

The attacks by goaworld on us and goanet clearly preceed ANY counter statements we 
have made in response to them and are clearly archived on this list. If ANYONE can 
prove otherwise, I will be the first to apologize to them with no reservations 


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Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 01:14:33 -0700
From: Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] The arrest of Fred Noronha

September 16, 2003
- ------------------
Here is a true story about events that resulted in the arrest and
release of Mr Fred Noronha, a journalist based in Goa.

About 5 months ago, acting on information revealed by Mr.Gaspar Almeida
and Mr.Ulysses Menezes of Goaworld, customs officials laid charges
against Fred Noronha for illegally using imported computers that were
actually meant for the schools in Goa. Gaspar and Ulysses had revealed
on several goan mailing lists that Fred Noronha had used these imported
computers for his personal use. The government also forced the ceasation
of all Computers for Goa Schools activities and all imported computers
that were installed in several dozen schools were impounded. The several
dozen volunteers were heart broken to see so much of their work
disappear in a matter of days. 

Further investigation by the authorities revealed that no such misuse of
the computer equipment took place. Cross referencing with Goa's own
department of Education and the recipient schools with the custom's
department's import records revealed that all the computers were
accounted for.

The students lost several weeks of computer course study as a result of
these investigations. Fortunately for the students, it would have been
worse had it not been for the monsoon study break. The goverment of Goa
has however decided to file charges against Mr.G. Almeida and Mr.U.
Menezes for libel and to cover the costs involved in the investigations
that resulted from their well publicised accusations. 

There are rumors that GOACOM may also file charges against these two for
false claims that Fred was on GOACOM's payrole. GOACOM has stated that
it has audited tax and financial statments that prove that this was
never the case. 

Mr. G.Almeida and U. Menezes are currently residing in the middle east.
However they will have to face serious charges in India if they ever
decide to return to India.


End of goanet-digest V1 #3842

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