goanet-digest           Friday, May 3 2002           Volume 01 : Number 3922

In this issue:

    [Goanet] New York Related-Film on Rap musicians
    Re: [Goanet] Dinesh D?Souza: Assimilation of immigrants in the West.
    [Goanet] Vietnam and India Sign Nuclear Co-Operation Plan
    [Goanet] NEWS: Rights activist asks court to derecognise BJP
    [Goanet] Educational CD on malaria
    [Goanet] Church statement on Goa's political situation

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 15:13:00 EDT
From: "Venantius J Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] New York Related-Film on Rap musicians

I am coping this message about a film screening (part of the 
Brooklyn Int Film Festival) that a friend sent to me.
Black Picket Fence.

Its about Rap musicians
(Thurs. May  2 and 9pm at the Brooklyn Museum - 200 Eastern 
Parkway in Brooklyn)

The 1 and 2 7th ave. subway trains go directly to Eastern 
Parkway/Brooklyn Museum st


Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 21:40:59 +0000
From: "James Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Dinesh D?Souza: Assimilation of immigrants in the West.

Thanks for posting that note Eddie.  While Dinesh does gloss over some 
issues, the essence of his message is indeed quite true.  I must admit, 
though, that he appears to have somewhat softened his stance over the years 
(for instance, comparing his book on Race from the early 90s to his most 
recent publication).  Then again, maybe his current position as a fellow of 
the American Enterprise Institute has had an impact!    :-)

Thanks again.


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Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 23:22:45 +0000
From: "Tim de Mello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Vietnam and India Sign Nuclear Co-Operation Plan

Vietnam and India have signed a memorandum of understanding that includes a 
'detailed work plan of co-operation for the year 2002 - 2003' for the 
development of nuclear energy for peaceful and commercial purposes.

The memorandum was signed during a visit to India by a four-member 
delegation from Vietnam last month, at the invitation of the chairman of the 
Indian Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Anil Kakodkar. According to officials 
at the Indian department of atomic energy, the discussions included 
"presentations by the Indian side on multi-purpose research reactors, the 
220 megawatt (MW) pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR) and regulatory 

The announcement follows a bilateral agreement for co-operation into the 
utilisation of atomic energy for peaceful purposes signed between Vietnam 
and India in 1986. According to the department of atomic energy, bilateral 
co-operation regarding nuclear energy "particulary gained momentum" from 
1988 when India started receiving Vietnamese scientists on an annual basis 
for the one-year training programme at the Bhabha atomic research centre. 
"This has helped Vietnam to build its human resource base in the nuclear 

India recently helped in the setting up of the Vietnam / India nuclear 
science centre in Dalat, north Vietnam, by providing equipment and free 
expert services. The centre was inaugurated last January, marking 30 years 
of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Both sides have agreed to 
"explore the possibility" of using the centre as a regional research base to 
conduct training programmes in nuclear science.

In a separate development, Russia gave the go-ahead last month for the 
signing of a bilateral agreement for nuclear power co-operation between 
Russia and Vietnam, intended to facilitate the construction of Vietnam's 
first nuclear power plant. The Vietnamese government recently approved the 
launch of a feasibility study - to be completed by 2003 - which may pave the 
way for a nuclear plant to be commissioned by 2019 (see News No. 129, 4th 

Meanwhile, talks between India and Russia continue concerning the 
construction of two further units at the Kudankulam site in India. AEC 
chairman Mr Kakodkar recently said: "If anybody, including Russia, gives a 
proposal which is beneficial to us, we will certainly consider it. 
Otherwise, we have our own programme. We can put up four indigenous 700 MW 

Russia's deputy prime minister Reshet Nikov confirmed talks were still under 
way, adding: "I understand that it is not the best possible scenario for 
India to have the new technology only in two units." He said the "question 
will be solved" during president Vladimir Putin's visit to India later this 

Tim de Mello
Ontario, CANADA

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Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 08:01:35 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] NEWS: Rights activist asks court to derecognise BJP

Rights activist asks court to derecognise BJP

>From Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, May 2 (IANS) The Delhi High Court Friday takes up a petition that
urges it to "derecognise" Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) as a political party for its links with Hindu religious

The petition, filed by long-time rights activist and Arya Samaj leader Swami
Agnivesh, has sought to invoke a statutory provision that all political
parties registered with the Election Commission must have secular

In his petition, Agnivesh has alleged that the BJP, its ideological mentor
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and their affiliates Vishwa Hindu Parishad
(VHP) and the Bajrang Dal were "out and out communal organisations".

"The BJP has been keeping a false distance from these organisations,"
Agnivesh told IANS shortly after he filed the petition before the High

"Now that mask is removed following the Gujarat violence, the BJP should be

The continuing sectarian violence in Gujarat that has claimed around 925
lives since February-end has brought much international and domestic flak
for the BJP-RSS-VHP-Bajrang Dal.

It has been widely alleged that Hindu radicals linked to these groups led
the killer mobs that targeted Muslims, burning or hacking them to death and
destroying their properties across the western state.

Although the BJP has denied its involvement in the anti-Muslim carnage,
Muslim survivors in many places have identified known BJP leaders and
volunteers as among those who led the rampaging mobs.

- --Indo-Asian News Service


Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 08:42:17 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Educational CD on malaria

This might be of interest to Goa... FN

- ---------- Forwarded message ----------

7.  The Educational Malaria CD-ROM is now Available Free of Charge 

The malaria educational site from Royal Perth Hospital is now available in French, 
English and Spanish.  The site contains sections on Diagnosis, Prophylaxis, Treatment 
and History as well as an innovative interactive "Test & Teach" self assessment 
module. It is an ideal site for Clinicians, Scientists, Healthcare Professionals and 
Students. The MK IV version of a trilingual (English/Spanish/French) CD-ROM (Proudly 
sponsored by Abbott Diagnostics) with the same content as the web site is now ready 
for distribution (FREE) to institutions without, or with only limited internet access. 
(The CD-ROM is now being used by medical/educational institutions in 126 countries). 
For further details please contact: Graham  ICKE A/Principal Scientist; Division of 
Laboratory Medicine; Royal Perth Hospital; Wellington St; Perth; Western Australia  
6000 Telephone:  61 08 9224 2265 Fax:  61 08 9224 2491 E-Mail: 


- ------------------------------------------------------------------


Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 11:43:39 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Church statement on Goa's political situation

This is the Diocesan Service Centre for Social Action statement for the
forthcoming elections. Not that I agree with the sentiments expressed
below, but just for those who might be interested. What do the
others feel? FN

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


In the ninth State Legislative elections in Goa in June 1999 the Congress
(I) came to power with 21 members. Later, the C.M. engineered 3 defections
for security in numbers.

In November 1999, 11 Congress M.L.A.'s defected and formed a coalition
government with the BJP.

On 21st October 2000 the BJP withdrew support to its coalition partner and
with splits in 4 parties formed a BJP government.

The Goa State Legislative Assembly was dissolved by the Governor on the
recommendation of the Cabinet on 27-02-02. Statements by individual
ministers and other significant actions that followed, raised serious doubts
whether this was actually a Cabinet decision. It is reported that the
dissolution was to pre-empt defections by 8 of the M.L.A.s.

These unprincipled, selfish, unethical pursuits have corrupted the Political
System to such an extent that they are now being accepted as a norm.

What is Democracy ?

In a Democracy, we, the people are sovereign. We entrust the responsibility
of governance to individuals whom we elect. We give them the mandate to
establish a stable people-oriented, progressive Government. They are
accountable to us. We, the people should participate in decision making. We
should not passively accept policies that change the pattern of our lives
and determine its quality. Why is the situation tod so dismal?

Constitutional controls eg. anti defection law, are manipulated.

Powerful individuals and coteries who fund election campaigns strongly
influence policies detrimental to the Common Good.

Elected persons only enrich themselves and neglect their

Corruption has corroded every section of public life, at all

Defections have made a mockery of people's mandate.

As never before communalism is dividing the people, even in Goa.

We, the people have become indifferent, cynical and negligent.

We have given up our rights as citizens to participatory decision making.

We have failed to make our elected representatives accountable.


Reject candidates who represent communal interest.

Reject habitual defectors -- they will betray you again.

Defeat money and muscle power.

Exercise your right to vote, fulfil your obligation and responsibility to
elect honest persons.

Motivate others to vote conscientiously.

Encourage and support honest, just and dedicated persons to stand for
elections (including yourself)

Identify and promote a third candidate, if the choice is between a communal
and a corrupt one. 

Ensure that ONLY GENUINE voters exercise their franchise.

Ensure that all directives of the Election Commissions (National, State) are
strictly adhered to by candidates, workers, supporters or well-wishers and
those entrusted with the organisation and conducting of


You will hold them accountable.

Their resignations will be demanded if they do not fulfil their electoral
promises or if they defect.

Dio. Service Centre for Social Action


End of goanet-digest V1 #3922

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