goanet-digest          Sunday, June 16 2002          Volume 01 : Number 4087

In this issue:

    [Goanet] And then they saw the light....
    [Goanet] When God Created Fathers....
    [Goanet] Marlon approves and congratulates goanet2
    [Goanet] Is Marlon delusional?
    [Goanet] 'bad words' on GoaNet issue
    [Goanet] Gujarat-Contribution from MPLADS - June 16

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 20:04:01 +0530
From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] And then they saw the light....

Dear Mr. Carneiro and the Goanet Admin Team,

Thank you most kindly for realising your error, and revoking my suspension. 

You can rest assured that I will cooperate with you to make GoaNet a
vibrant forum for discussing matters of interest to Goan's worldwide. That
was always my intention. 

Your defintion of what constitutes a 'commercial posting' has also helped
clarify matters. I have agreed not to do any 'commercial posting' and I
will keep to my word. 

Long live GoaNet! 
Long live Herman Carneiro and the GoaNet Admin team!

Viva Goa! 
Jai Hind!

(in unsuspended disbelief)

At 09:07 PM 6/15/02 +0000, you wrote:
>Dear Cecil,
>Your membership to Goanet has been reinstated based on your agreement not to 
>advertise. We look forward to your cooperation in the future.
>You have been resubscribed to the Goanet-post list, which you were 
>previously subscribed to.
>Herman Carneiro


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 06:25:22 +0300
From: "Eddie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] When God Created Fathers....

Heres another one on Father's Day...

When God Created Fathers

When the good Lord was creating fathers He started with a tall frame.

And an angel nearby said, "What kind of father is that? If You're going to
make children so close to the ground, why have you put fathers up so high?
He won't be able to shoot marbles without kneeling, tuck a child in bed
without bending, or even kiss a child without a lot of stooping."

And God smile and said, "Yes, but if I make him child-size, whom would
children have to look up to?"

And when God made a father's hands, they were large and sinewy.

And the angel shook his head sadly and said, "Do You know what You're doing?
Large hands are clumsy. They can't manage diaper pins, small buttons, rubber
bands on ponytails or even remove splinters caused by baseball bats."

And God smiled and said, "I know, but they're large enough to hold
everything a small boy empties from his pockets at the end of a day... yet
small enough to
cup a child's face in his hands."

And then God molded long slim legs and broad shoulders.

"Do You realize You just made a father without a lap? How is he going to
pull a
child close to him without the kid falling between his legs?"

And God smiled and said, "A mother needs a lap. A father needs strong
shoulders to pull a sled, balance a boy on a bicycle, or hold a sleepy head
on the way home from the circus."

God was in the middle of creating two of the largest feet anyone had ever
"That's not fair. Do You honestly think those large boats are going to dig
out of bed early in the morning when the baby cries? Or walk through a small
birthday party without crushing at least three of the guests?"

And God smiled and said. "They'll work. You'll see. They'll support a small
child who wants to 'ride a horse to Banbury Cross,' or scare off mice at the
summer cabin, or display shoes that will be a challenge to fill."

God worked throughout the night, giving the father few words, but a firm,
authoritative voice: eyes that saw everything, but remained calm and

Finally, almost as an afterthought, He added tears. Then He turned to the
and said, "Now are you satisfied that he can love as much as a mother?"

Have a nice day


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 08:18:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ulysses Menezes - GOA-WORLD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Marlon approves and congratulates goanet2

From:  "Marlon Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date:  Sun Jun 16, 2002  9:47 am
Subject:  Re: [Goanet] Fish, Curry and Rice... in a
new edition


Hello Gaspar
Sorry to correct you again, but there is a big
difference between this and the
constant promotion of your business partner's floral
business on each and every
of his postings.
My best wishes to your goanet2 list.

- ---------- Original Message
- ----------------------------------
From: "Sonali Prabhudesai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Sonali Prabhudesai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 16 Jun 2002 04:05:07 -0000

>Ahem.. Doesn't this qualify to be a commercial post ?
You Sir, 
>now owe the father of GoaNet $25 for your obnoxious 
>Or since this list is so very graciously hosted by
goacom, are you 
>given the benefit of commercial posts since your
website is also 
>hosted (not so graciously) by goacom too ?
>- Sonali

http://www.goa-world.net/goanet/ - GOANET
http://www.live365.com/stations/61664 Live Konkani Music
Goa Related Mailing Lists In Your Area - Gulf Goans etc :
Other Websites From Goa-World :

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 20:48:25 +0530
From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Is Marlon delusional?

I have very clearly clarified in detail to Marlon Menezes directly, and
copies to Goa-Goans and the GoaNet Admin team, that Gaspar Almeida is NOT a
business partner in EXPRESSIONS. 

EXPRESSIONS is a sole proprietership firm belonging to my wife Beatrice
Pinto. At no time has Gaspar Almeida accepted any money (or non-monetary
renumeration whatsoever) from EXPRESSIONS for his services.

How many times do I have to say this to Marlon? Gaspar is NOT a partner,
NOR  a commission agent, NOR in any way derives any material benefit from
his association with EXPRESSIONS. 

If Marlon continues to state, insunate, or suggest otherwise I will be
forced to take legal action against him, to protect EXPRESSIONS' business
interests and to stop him from spreading malicious lies about Gaspar.
Marlon is free to come over to check all our records, bank statements,
bills, chequebooks, whatever. 

Next Marlon will be suggesting that Dr. Colaco is also a benificiary of
EXPRESSIONS! After all Dr. Colaco does occasionally recommend EXPRESSIONS -
of his own accord. Maybe EXPRESSIONS is giving Dr. Colaco $50 a month? Who
knows what Marlon will come up with next.

Also EXPRESSIONS is getting much more publicity than it deserves *chuckle*,
thanks to these stupid allegations . So please keep EXPRESSIONS out of any
further debate. I have agreed not to send any 'commercial postings'. Let
the matter end there. If Marlon has some bone to pick with Gaspar I suggest
he not involve EXPRESSIONS. And I'm serious about this.

On the other matter, of advertising 'Fish Curry Rice' I appeal to all
concerned to please re-read Herman Carneiro's 'definition' of what
constitutes a 'commercial posting'. A URL link is a must. If the 'Fish
Curry Rice' posting does not have a URL it is not a commercial post. Please
check if it does. 

Also Herman clearly states in his definition "subject matter that has URL
links to the POSTER'S commercial interests". So in addition you have to
check who the 'poster' of the 'Fish Curry Rice' posting was. If he/she has
no commercial connection with the URL then too the posting is perfectly
legitimate and cannot be considered a 'commercial posting'.

Does'nt anyone understand simple defintions. As long as you don't benefit
commercially yourself, you are free to promote someone else's interests. 

For the sake of clarity I replicate below Herman Carneiro's definition

- ---------
Commercial posts include noncommercial and commercial subject matter that 
has URL links to the poster's commercial interests that may be displayed in 
the email message, i.e. in the body of the message, subject, the signature 
file, etc.
- ----------


I have a copy of the first edition of 'Fish Curry Rice' and definitely will
buy the new edition. Excellent book. Very comprehensive and well
researched. A must-have for anyone who cares about Goa. In fact I am very
grateful to whoever posted that information. Now I know where to buy it and
how much it costs too.


Message: 8
   Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 21:47:49 -0700
   From: "Marlon Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fish, Curry and Rice... in a new edition

Hello Gaspar
Sorry to correct you again, but there is a big difference between this and
the constant promotion of your business partner's floral business on each
and every of his postings.
My best wishes to your goanet2 list.


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 20:54:03 +0530
From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] 'bad words' on GoaNet issue

This regarding Ms. Viviana Coelho's posting regarding our correspondence
about the use of  the word 'bastarasterisk' on GoaNet.

Before I begin let me make it quite clear that I have the highest respect
and admiration for Ms. Coelho and her capacities as Administrator. Time and
again she has taken pains to explain the issues and technical details to
me, and many other grateful subscribers. This argument is not about her. It
is about the issue and the strategy she has chosen.

Ms. Coelho has set up a perfect checkmate for me. I lose either way. She
refers to a private discussion, we did indeed have, regarding the use of
'bad words' on GoaNet. Now it is her human memory...  against my archives.
If I quote her exact words and prove my statements correct she will cry
foul. She has done so before, when I did something similar in my defense
against her. She claims I quoted her out of context from a 'private'
posting' and that was taken as final.

Like before she will cry that I have repeated her words from 'private'
postings in public. So I become the bad guy - despite being correct. So she
can continue to say 'I recall..' and 'I admitted..' and I can't tell
everyone exactly what she said because that was in 'private'. You win Ms.
Coelho. Well planned strategy. 

Below the belt but well executed. Viva!

Care for another game? This time entirely in public view? Let's discuss
this 'adult words' issue threadbare. And if I win you will DEMAND that
Herman removes that Jurassic Juvenile filter. What say you?

Of course many 'adult' words will be used in the course of the argument -
as examples. So naturally we cannot have the debate on GoaNet. If Goa-Goans
obliges fine with me. I do not like to impose too much on their time and
bandwidth on an issue not related to their discussion group. Else we can
try Goanet2 as the venue for the debate maybe? Let me know. 

(Loser of the first round)


Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 14:57:31 +0530
From: Eduardo Faleiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Gujarat-Contribution from MPLADS - June 16

June 16, 2002

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am enclosing copy of a letter addressed by Shri Eduardo Faleiro, MP to
Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee re. permission to contribute a
sum of Rs. 1 crore from MPLADS for relief and rehabilitation of the
victims of communal violence in Gujarat.  The letter is being released
for publication.

For any clarifications please contact Shri Faleiro at tel. Nos. 3319395
or 9810028850.

With regards,

Yours sincerely,

Secretary to
Shri Eduardo Faleiro, MP

Dear Prime Minister

Having visited Gujarat and being in touch with the distressing situation
there, I intend to contribute a sum of Rs. 1 crore from my allocation
under "Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme" (MPLADS) for
relief and rehabilitation of the victims of the recent communal violence
in that State.  I may be permitted to do so.  

Under MPLADS every MP is entitled to an allocation of Rs. 2 crore per year
for development works in his constituency or State.  However, the Rules
were relaxed to permit allocation by MPs under MPLADS for the victims of
the Gujarat earthquake last year and of the Orissa cyclone in the year
before.  Similar relaxation may now be permitted for the benefit of the
victims of the recent Gujarat holocaust.  If the rules are relaxed most
MPs would like to utilise a substantial part of their allocation under
MPLADS for this noble purpose.  A contribution by a large number of
Parliamentarians will motivate the people of the country to also
contribute for this worthy cause.

I also urge you to kindly issue an appeal to all our countrymen to donate
generously for this cause on the same lines of the appeals issued by you
at the time of the Gujarat earthquake and the Orissa cyclone.

The above becomes necessary since the State Government has not yet taken
effective steps in this matter.  The recommendations of the National
Human Rights Commission including those relating to relief and
rehabilitation are not being implemented effectively. May I, therefore,
request you to direct the State Government to take the following measures
urgently :

i) The compensation for the damaged/burnt/destroyed houses should be paid
as per the norms adopted for the earthquake victims;
ii) The compensation for Ghat Vakhri (compensation for burnt/looted
household articles) should be a minimum of Rs.20,000/-;

iii) Immediate allotment of house sites to enable the victims to relocate
themselves with honour and dignity;

iv) Involving Housing Finance Institutions like HUDCO, NHB, CANFIN Homes,
LIC etc. to advance loans liberally with minimum paperwork and at nominal
interest rates.  The repayment period should be spread over a period of
20 years and it should begin after three years from the date of
construction of the house. 

With personal regards,

Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee,
Prime Minister of India,
New Delhi.


End of goanet-digest V1 #4087

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