goanet-digest         Tuesday, July 23 2002         Volume 01 : Number 4177

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Govt planning to set up golf course to lure more tourists. 
    [Goanet] From Lynette Colaco
    Re: [Goanet] Criticism
    [Goanet] Goan Cultural Society production of CHUKH ................
    [Goanet] Lack of medical equipment is crisis in tourist region: Evening Herald 
    [Goanet] Kuwait Konknni Kendre Show

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 21:13:11 +0530
From: Goa Desc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Govt planning to set up golf course to lure more tourists. 

Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network
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Govt planning to set up golf course to lure more tourists
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In order to give boost to tourism and attract high spending tourists,
the state government is planning to set up a golf-course along with
other top class facilities and three sites, two in North Goa and one
in South Goa, have been identified for establishing such facilities.

The director of tourism, Mr N Suryanarayana, informed The Navhind Times
that government has identified a piece of land near Oil and Natural Gas
Commission near Betul, a piece of land at Morjim in Pernem taluka and
an island near Divar in Tiswadi taluka and that Goa State Infrastructure
Development Corporation has been asked to prepare a feasibility report
before a final decision on establishing the facility is taken.

He said that these proposals have been envisaged for providing
more avenues for tourists visiting the state with a view to retain
the tourists for a longer period of 5-7 days for domestic and 10-15 days
for foreign tourists. He said that facilities available in the state
are not adequate to retain tourists beyond a couple of days.

Mr Suryanarayana said that projects, such as golf course,
theme park and amusement park, would be set up by private sector,
and a number of firms have shown interest in them. He said that
government would only be a facilitator in establishing such projects.
He, further said government's role would be limited only to providing land,
after acquisition for which the firms concerned would have to make payment.
The director of tourism further stated that establishing golf course only
would not be a viable proposition and that other facilities such as a resort,
theme park, amusement park and a convention centre would have to be built,
to make the project economically viable. Besides, these facilities
have to be unique selling proposition.

He said that if any private party wanted to set up such facility without any
government help, such as land, the government would help such parties
by giving them no-objection certificates and other permissions needed
for such a project. The director of tourism further said that private firms
bidding for setting up golf course would have to make provision from
their own sources for water and power, by harvesting rain water and
setting up captive power plant respectively. He also said that the government
would not permit any pressure on public utilities such as water, power and 
Besides, no exploitation of the caddies would be allowed, he said.

He, however, said that establishing of a golf course in North Goa was ideal
as plenty of land which is required for setting up such projects was available
in this district, unlike in South Goa district where getting land of the kind
required for setting up golf course is a problem.

Construction of the new international airport at Mopa along with the 
of IT resort at Morjim would also help in setting up of a golf course in 
North Goa
and its utilisation. He however, said that most of top class hotels,
used by high spending tourists, were located in South Goa and transportation
of those choosing to use golf course would be a problem.

He also said that it was with this view the sky bus project was envisaged,
which would help in faster transportation of tourists and would act as a 
for attracting tourists. He, said that government would go ahead with its 
for a rope way between Altinho to Verem and Reis Magos.

Meanwhile, Mr Jitendra Deshprabhu, whose family had proposed setting up
a golf course along with residential facility in a resort like
environment some time back, has said that the project still stood and that
it has been approved by the environment and forest ministry of Union 
and departments of local government.

He further said that the project consists of equestrian park, water 
amusement park,
commercial precinct, beach club and marina facility and would cost around 
Rs 500 crore.
He, however, said that in view of the global recession, the money required
for such a project was not readily available.

Mr Deshprabhu, who is the Pernem legislator, said that his family would go 
with the project once international trade, commerce and tourism got a fillip,
in collaboration with the internationally renowned chains in hotel and 
resort management.
He said that project report of the proposed facility by his family has been 
by Helbert, Hastert and Young (world renowned master planners)
and architectural designs have been prepared by Wembley, Allison,
Tong and Goo (WATG). He also said that golf course design has been
prepared by Gary Player Design Company. All these firms were behind
development of Sun City, in Johannesburg, South Africa
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THE NAVHIND TIMES 18/7/02 page 1
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Documentation + Education + Solidarity
11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507
Tel: 252660 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Working On Issues Of Development & Democracy


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 10:14:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] From Lynette Colaco

GOYAN is the Goan Young Adult Network. See www.goacom.com/goyan/


Dear Fellow Goyankars! 

Well, after what seems like a nice long siesta, the GOYAN is now awake and ready to 
roll!  What
better time to start than the Summer!!! 

After some brief yet productive meetings (a la heineken and baijas) we have decided on 
some fun
events that you all might be interested in. We did try to cover the gamut of interests 
, but if
there is something you are interested in or would like to help coordinate, please feel 
free to
contact us. 

Just to give you an idea of what is planned, here is a calendar of events. (Please 
note all events
take place in NYC unless otherwise noted). Please check the GOYAN website for more 



Saturday, AUGUST 10th - Music, Dinner and Drinks
Summer Stage in Central Park - Brazilian Fusion Concert 2:30 PM, Followed by dinner 
and drinks at
Helenas Tapas in NOHO at 7:00 PM 
Contact person: Lynette Colaco (212) 740 5414 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
RSVP appreciated no deadline.

2:30pm -- Brazilian Fusion 

Meeting Place: At the entrance of Summer stage 
Description: Straight from Hores Del Silencio, Enrique Bunbury debuts his 
Spanish soul cabaret. In an age when pop is often synonymous 
with mindlessness, Brazilian supergroup Skank emerge, 
challenge the limits of the genre and as a result witnessing 
their audience multiply across Brazil and the world. 
Argentina’s Babasonicos fuse 1970s funk, timeless pop and 
Event: FREE
Located at Rumsey Playfield, Central Park 
Directions: 'SummerStage' is located right off the 5th Avenue and 72nd Street 
entrance to Central Park in New York City. Enter at 69th and 5th ave from the east 
side or from
72nd and Central Park West from the west side. 
>From the Eastside: 6 train to 68th or 77th street. 
>From the Westside: 1, 2, 3, B or C trains to 72nd street.  The 1,2,and 3 let you off 
>at Broadway
which is 3 avenues west of central park. The B or C will let you off right at Central 
Park West. 

7:00pm -- Helenas Tapas for dinner and drinks 
Address: 424 Lafayette (between Astor Place and 4th st in NOHO)
Meeting Place: At the bar near the entrance 
Description:  Helenas is a great place to mingle. It serves appetizer and  dinner 
sized portions
(hence the tapas).There is an outdoor garden in the back which also allows for dancing 
to the
lively salsa/merengue music so you are not restricted to sitting.&n! bsp; The prices 
are very
reasonable and the menu includes a variety of veg dishes as well. The calamari is 
definitely the
best i have ever had and the garlic shrimp is to die for!! Even if you're not 
hungry....try one of
their house margaritas aptly named "helenitas" or other sumptuous cocktails. All in 
all it's a
great time and is close to other hot spots too!! For more info regarding the 
restaurant check out
its website : www.helenastapas.com 

Saturday, AUGUST 24th 

Six Flags /Great Adventure 
Contact person: Alan D'Guerra, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Deadline to RSVP: August 7th 
Details to follow 

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 14th 

Paintball in the Poconos 
Contact person: Subhash Mendonca, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Details to follow 

Upcoming events (tentative): 

Party at an NYC club/lounge 
Halloween Bash 
New Years Eve event 
Valentines Day dance 
Soccer matches, Picnic/hiking, White water rafting, Skiing trip 

Please visit the GOYAN website for! more detailed information. 

www.goacom.com/goyan/    (and then click on events)

also for more info regarding the GOYAN please contact Cedric D'Costa 


We welcome any suggestions that you might have so please write back and 
tell us what you think! It would be nice to see a lot of us Goyankars involved and 

Best Regards, 

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 13:46:59 -0500 (CDT)
From: Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Criticism

On Sat, 20 Jul 2002, Frederick Noronha wrote:

> Hi Tariq, What's so unusual about this? We need to keep in mind that
> Hinduism is a polytheistic set of beliefs, which has space for hundreds,
> thousands of millions of new deities and gods.


I dont think the piece of news that I had posted had much to do about
religion. In fact, what it had to do with was the gullibility and
ignorance that man possesses and is prone to use at every opportunity.
Hence the note to Santosh Helekar to provide yet another comment in line
with his long standing campaign against Human Stupidity.

On your note that Hinduism was accommodating towards other religious
thoughts, must be viewed in the context of those other religious thoughts.
The fertile plains of the Indus and the Ganges provided a home to many
invaders. If we are to assume that the Aryans were the first upholders of
the Hindu faith, then their belief in a multitude of Gods and Goddesses
provided little difference to the Greeks, Macedonians, Scythes and Huns
who invaded India. The latter themselves worshipping a pantheon of Gods
and Goddesses, found little consequence in absorbing and dissolving in a
similar system of beliefs. The beliefs of the Dravidians were perhaps also
incorporated in that same way

Perhaps the divisions became more acute when the clearly defined beliefs
of Islam and Christianity came to India and clashed with the more porous
and plural beliefs in India, which came to be known as Hinduism.

But whatever the orientation of the beliefs, neither of the faiths have
condoned Human Stupidity. The success of the millions of godmen and
tantrics and so called pirs and faqirs is not the result of the existence
of Hinduism or exclusive to a Hindu-dominated India. These godmen and
tantrics can be found in every corner of the world, donning the religious
colors prevalent in that part of the world, and feeding on the one
universal constant -  Human Stupidity.

Before I go, let me relate another gem of Human Stupidity that was told by
my grandfather. As an officer in the Indian Civil Service in British
India, my grandfather was posted to Lakhimpur (UP). On taking commission
there, he was asked by the locals to pay his respects at the grave of a
local saint whose name the locals did not know. What was peculiar about
this grave was that, unlike the graves of the Muslims, this grave was not
facing Mecca and was located on the property of a British officer who had
vacated the premises some years ago.

Upon enquiry, my grandfather came to know from the gardener of the
property that this grave was that of a dog of the British officer. Some
people apparently discovered it after the officer vacated his property and
its unusual alignment against the principles of Islam led them to conclude
that this was probably the grave of a great saint. The gardener said that
he tried to explain to those people that this was the grave of a dog, but
they would not listen. Meanwhile, this grave had become a good business
with cash offerings, so nobody complained!

- --
Tariq Siddiqui
[ This Space for Rent ]


Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 22:20:46 -0700
From: "rene barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Goan Cultural Society production of CHUKH ................

Goan Cultural Society production of    " CHUKH  " ................

London UK

Goan Cultural Society production of   "  CHUKH   " ................ London
UK It was
indeed a great pleasure to have attended a Teatr in North London UK at the
special invitation of GCS Committee members a few weeks ago.

The show was the Goan Cultural Society production of CHUKH , which
was written and directed by Mike Alfonso.

The show was well attended, the hall was nearly full to its capacity, and
surprisingly there were a few young faces amongst the middle aged crowd.
This gave the organizers and the Actors the encouragement that all their
efforts were not going in vain. The story "CHUKH" is set in UK with one
scene explaining how it all started in Goa. The story was effective and had
its share of twists. The audience enjoyed every moment of the 4 hour show.
The laughter throughout the show made one feel that those who attended were
well versed with Konkani , although for sure one was aware that some made
every effort to understand the show.

The most ambitious part of the show was the participation of the very young
, ages ranging from 3 to 16 years, many of the young actors did not speak
Konkani but sang the songs in a very convincing manner. I was also given to
understand that these youngsters were making every effort to learn Konkani ,
they did so by attending Konkani classes every week A problem has now
arisen - The parents who would usually speak in konkani - so that the
youngsters would not understand what they spoke about them - can no longer
do so.

 The backdrops were beautifully set, giving the atmosphere of a Goan
setting , the accompanied music was superbly sequenced. The singers
the youngsters beautifully blended their songs with the music. The acting
was superb, the singers sang well and they surpassed the expectations of the

 I would like to take this opportunity of congratulating the Goan
Cultural Society UK for the wonderful work they do, to preserve the Goan
heritage , more so in a place like London.

I am sure you will hear more about their work in the near future. I believe
that a video is being edited and should be available in a short while ,
those wishing to obtain a copy should contact the Committee at the e-mail
address mentioned here below.

Please do take time to write and encourage them to continue their good work.

 thank you.

rene barreto

GOAN CULTURAL SOCIETY - UK www.goanculturalsociety.com WORLD GOA DAY UK


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 00:57:59 +0100
From: "Eddie Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Lack of medical equipment is crisis in tourist region: Evening 
Herald (Plymouth)

Headline: Ambulance will be a goer in Goa.
Source: Evening Herald (Plymouth). 23 July, 2002 at:

APPEAL: Lack of medical equipment is crisis in tourist region

A Saltash  couple is appealing for donations and medical equipment to help
provide an emergency ambulance service in the popular Indian tourist region
of Goa.

Colin and Sue Russell are both members of Saltash Lions, and Colin retired
from Saltash ambulance service three years ago.

Last year, they took out locally-raised funds to enable 1,000 sight-saving
eye operations to be carried out at a desert hospital at Bisalpur, Western
Rajasthan, and also took educational materials to an orphanage for deaf and
dumb children near Bombay.

But it was while giving first-aid resuscitation training in Goa towards the
end of their trip that Colin became aware of the ambulance crisis facing the

He saw a female English tourist who had drowned in the surf being attended
by a doctor and nurse.

They worked unsuccessfully for an hour to save her life before an ambulance
turned up - a bare white van with no equipment and not even a stretcher. The
president of Candolin Lions, Saltash's twin group in Goa, put a shocked
Colin in touch with the region's secretary of St John Ambulance and the Red
Cross of Goa.

Colin said: "It was evident that they could provide personnel, training and
expertise, but they had no ambulances or equipment.

"We came back to Saltash in January with the target of getting three
ambulances out there." Saltash's St John Ambulance had already donated its
old vehicle for use as a mobile medical centre in Moldova, but St John in
Axminster donated theirs for use in Goa, and it was rededicated last month.

It is now being stored free of charge at Certini Cycles, on the Tamar View
industrial estate at Carkeel, while Colin and Sue gather as much equipment
and medical supplies as they can.

Sue said: "Goa has now got five vehicles, so we are taking one ambulance and
as much kit as we can.

"All the Lions clubs in the district are helping to equip it, and we are
also receiving donations of money.

"We may need to fill a separate container as well as the ambulance, and are
looking for ways to ship it all out; Colin will fly out to meet it at the
other end."

The Russells will also be returning to the eye hospital, the orphanage and
Goa in January, taking with them Saltash Leos president Amanda Wells and
member Caroline Smith.

Anyone who would like to help the Russells is asked to contact them on 01752


Express and Echo (Devon), 11 July 2002

Ambulance will be sent to Far East.

Axminster and district St John Ambulance is sending its old ambulance to Goa
in the Far East [sic], where ambulances are in short supply. Following the
dedication of the new ambulance at the parish church, Superintendent Derek
Cowling handed the keys of the old ambulance to Jamie Love, the president of
Axminster Lions, which is sponsoring and arranging the vehicles
transportation to the Far East.
Don’t forget – you saw it on GoaNet!


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 02:50:20 +0000
From: "A. Veronica Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Kuwait Konknni Kendre Show


KUWAIT KONKNNI KENDRr will organize “Dev Pavta” in its “Songit Sanz” 
(Musical Evening) on 11th October 2002 at 4.00 p.m. at Hotel Fakher Al-Deen, 
Kuwait City, behind KAC Building.  The Musical evening will consist of  “Dev 
Pavta” by Rosary Ferns, Mandos, Dulpods, Kunbi Dance, Operetta, solos, 
duets, duos, trios, quartets and comedy skits.  The participants are 
visiting artistes - Goa State Award Winner & Man of Thousand Faces C. 
D’Silva and comedian Agostinho while the local artistes are Rosary Ferns, 
Marcos Vaz, Querobina, Michael D’Silva, Sandra, Francis De Verna, Joe 
Pereira, Rony, Jasmine, Jyoti, Sunil, Tony de Pomburpa, Sanny de Quepem, 
Domnick Araujo, Anthony Car, Alex, Conchita, Lino, Bernard and others.  
Music by Shahu & his troupe.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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End of goanet-digest V1 #4177

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