WebSiteWatch (WSW)
* http://www.goatourism.org GOA TOURISM
* http://www.paulotravels.com Volvo buses too
What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: ML Sardesai's translation of Satre's "Les Mots" in Konkani, 5:30pm
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com

According to previous reports, the sisters themselves
said anti-TB treatment was given. The medical experts
officially investigating the claim are unlikely to
have overlooked this fact. Nothing new there.

Disbelief in God precludes the possibility of
miracles. Nothing new there either.

Joel Almeida

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