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Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    

I suggest you address your critical but often quite
misleading comments about the US.........

Godfrey replies:

While Mario seems only to have the time to insinuate that anyone who
disagrees with his political philosophy is a "left Winger", he does seem to
take the time to respond to many other articles on Goanet. I believe that
his creditability could be improved by specifically correcting my
"misleading and untruthful comments". While he states he does not have "all
day", he obliviously spends much time reading and responding to articles.

As Mario chooses to go off on these tangents, he sings the praises of
Corporate America and her lovers in the Republican administration.

When Mario is willing to take on each of my points, I am willing to spend
the time to reply. However, I will not cow to his "SPIN" and name calling
remarks until such time.

Mario's definition of a "left winger" is one who is willing to point out the
injustices towards the needs of the poor in our country. So be it! That is
one name that I will proudly wear! What did Christ teach us to do? Would
Mario also consider Christ to be a "Left Winger"? 

Godfrey D'Souza

P.S. By the way, I did not need Mario's lesson on the difference between
income tax rates and income tax revenues, as I do happen to be a business

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