Hi Rico,

I have to comment here and say, what an xcellent article and what a sad 
story ! Sad but true as you have mentioned there hardly seem to be any NRI 
Goans on the  NRI Facilitation Centre.  The first useful step would have been 
to put together a complete list of all NRI Goans. I do not see why this cannot 
be achieved. During Elections you have your door bell ringing non stop to 
check if you are eligible to vote, if not , your papers and whatever else 
required is processed, sometimes even transport to go and cast your vote on 
the day of elections.  But when it comes to an organisation like the NRI 
Facilitation centre, hardly any interest is seen. The feeling of NRI goans 
living a much more comfortable and convenient life away from Goa, puts them 
off and is probably the reason too for them to think '' Why should we bother? 
Goans abroad are better off than us !  Let me point it out here that this is 
not always the case !!!

But the fact remains that  Goans have moved away from Goa to find better jobs 
and have better lives, because they have experienced and know what Goa has 
come to, specially in the recent years with so much of political turmoil.

I will not hesitate to say I am one of those Goans who came looking for a 
better job abroad. I am sure there are many like me who feel the same and 
still have the hearts and souls in Goa, their place of birth and upbringing. 
Goans who work abroad look  forward to coming home back to Goa,  But are often 
disgusted with the way things are and the many difficulties they face in their 
day to day life.  We were in Goa recently for a month, the difficulties I 
faced were many and at the end of the month I was longing to be back here.

There are many other states, such as Kerala where their government is doing 
everything to help their people living abroad. they have the support from back 
home and there are so many ways that they can contact the government or 
organisations appointed for this work and voice out their difficulties Living 
in the Gulf, I can say Goans stand out in many ways and are very often 
appreciated for all they do. It is often heard  from others that Goa is NOT 
like the other states of India, Goans are hospitable and different in every 
way from the rest of our Indians.

Coming back to the NRI Facilitation centre it would be interesting to read or 
know what are the objectives of this centre? But of course that is if they 
have them down on paper !  If the NRI Facilitation centre for example worked 
towards getting Goans living in Abu Dhabi a direct flight to Goa, surely they 
would be appreciated. I think this has been one great wish of Goans here. A 
lot of people in Goa think that ' Gulf' is just Dubai, and Abu Dhabi, although 
the capital of the United Arab Emirates is hardly known. Sharjah another 
emirate of the UAE has a direct Indian Airlines flight to Goa but for those 
living in Abu Dhabi it means travelling a good 2-3 hours to Sharjah airport, 
Dubai used to have a direct flight, not sure now but of course Air India is 
there which is normally the last option.

Goans usually choose from the other airlines available but end up having a 
long wait in Bombay. It can be so very  frustrating and tiring specially when 
you are travelling with children.  Some time ago, I remember signing on a 
sheet of paper that was on circulation requesting Air India for a direct 
flight from Abu Dhabi to Goa. Don't know what happened after that paper 
finshed making its rounds, probably in some dead closed file by now. But I 
truly think, an organisation like the NRI Facilitaion centre can help NRI 
Goans with these type of problems and make a difference in the lives of many a 
goan living abroad.

If they pull up their socks and get cracking, a lot of good work can be done 
and surely NRI Goans around the world will want to be part of this 
organisation and help in any way they can. We just need to get the ball 
rolling and keep it going. Surely there is at least one person there on the 
NRI Facilitaion team who has some initiative and drive. I do hope this email 
and article below is read by those who hold the reins of power of the NRI 
Facilitation centre in Goa and something can be done to make this 
organisation  a success.  If this NRI facilitation centre works well, I can 
see a lot of benefits coming to Goa and surely a lot of progress, minus the 
politicans of course ;-)

Zelma K. De Souza
Abu Dhabi - UAE

Some home truths of how Goa's NRI Facilitation Centre works

By Frederick Noronha

GOA'S POLITICIANS and officials say they have ambitious plans for the state's 
NRI Facilitation Centre. But officials and office-bearers don't access their 
own email -- and most infact don't even have email addresses -- even though 
this body is meant to build links with expats scattered across the globe and 
in other parts of India.

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Greet your loved ones in Goa with flowers!

EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop. World famous all over Goa!

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