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dear friends,

I feel appalled the way our mother tongue is being treated. My fellow goan 
brothers and sisters fought to make it our mother tongue. I find myself 
saying, why should my mother tongue be written in Devanagari, when for the 
last 450years it has been written in Romani, all the documents are written in 
Romani. Each and every Goan abroad can read the Konkani language in Romani. I 
am sure every Goan in Goa and abroad will agree with me. I feel the Government 
of Goa has not done enough for us Goans. I do hope this will change. I feel 
somtimes we Goans do not have a say, in our own affairs, of how our state is 
run. People who were not born of Goan parents have a better say in our 
affairs. I do hope this problem in Goa can be rectified. We have more people 
from outside Goa employed in Goa, and Goan brothers and sisters are made to 
look like second class citizens.

T. mello

From:  Goa Desc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre Ph:2252660
>Website: www.goadesc.org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Press Clippings on the web: 
>Reconstituted Advisory Board for implementation of Official Language
>Government of Goa
>Department of Official Language
>Directorate of Official Language
>Order No. 1/4/2003-DOL/296

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